Using the access control function (IP filter) with the IP address

You can use the IP Address to control the access to this machine. You can set whether to authorize setup or printing from the specified IP address. IP filtering is disabled by default.

  • Be sure to specify the correct IP address. If you specify an incorrect IP Address, you will not be able to access the machine using the IP protocol.
  • When IP filtering is enabled, any access to the host not specified in this setting will be denied.

  1. Open the web page of this machine.

  2. Log in as an administrator.

  3. Select [Admin Setup].
  4. Select [Network] - [Security] - [IP Filtering].
  5. Configure the settings following the on-screen instructions.

    • If nothing is registered in [Administrator's IP Address setting], access to this machine may be disabled depending on the specified IP address range.
    • If you are using a proxy server, [Your Current Local Host/Proxy IP Address] may not match the IP address of the current host.
  6. Click [Submit].

    The new settings will take effect after the network function of the machine has been reset.

  • IP filtering is applicable only to IPv4.