Mi Store is the official retail arm of renowned consumer electronics manufacturer Xiaomi. With locations across Portugal and a portfolio of around 400 tech products it constantly produces short runs of a variety of in-store communication materials.
A new hospital based in Saudi Arabia that prints patient reports, invoices, prescriptions and more, in-house.
A family run printing business specialising in materials for the retail industry
A family-run funeral home that places personalisation at the heart of its services
An educational trust responsible for 5,000 students across nine primary and secondary schools and academies
Providing vital emergency care services for the Mittlerer Oberrhein/Nordschwarzwald region.
Selçuk Ecza Deposu is Turkey’s oldest and the most distinguished pharmaceutical wholesale company
UK government department responsible for environmental protection, food production and standards, agriculture and more.
“On the right track” – OKI’s Managed Print Services deliver efficiencies to world’s largest online bike store
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