วัสดุสิ้นเปลือง (Consumables)

รายการ (Item) ประเภท (Type) หมายเหตุ (Notes)
Black Small capacity toner cartridgeBlack Small capacity toner cartridge 44973548 2,200 pages *1
Yellow Small capacity toner cartridgeYellow Small capacity toner cartridge 44973545 1,500 pages *1
Magenta Small capacity toner cartridgeMagenta Small capacity toner cartridge 44973546 1,500 pages *1
Cyan Small capacity toner cartridgeCyan Small capacity toner cartridge 44973547 1,500 pages *1
Rainbow Image DrumRainbow Image Drum 44968302 30,000 pages *2 *3
20161026081639061-FUS-C4J.png/FUS-C4J.pngFuser unit 44472604 60,000 pages
20161019092408115-BLT-C4H.png/BLT-C4H.pngTransfer Belt 44472203 60,000 pages

*1 Number of A4 pages yield compliant with ISO/IEC 19798.

*2 Average life of 3 pages per job from tray 1 in simplex printing.

*3 30,000 K 20,000 CMY

OKI Systems (Thailand) Ltd.