Colour Multifunction

Selçuk Ecza Deposu

Selçuk Ecza Deposu is Turkey’s oldest and the most distinguished pharmaceutical wholesale company

OKI improves printing efficiency for Selçuk Ecza Deposu


As a country wide distributor of many lifesaving drugs, Selçuk Ecza Deposu was looking for a cost effective and convenient print infrastructure solution to print delivery notes and invoices for every box distributed. Annually, the customer reaches a print volume of around 60 million pages. Initially the company was approached by another vendor with a print solution that far exceeded the IT department's print budget. The company then approached Bürosarf (an OKI IT Partner) to provide a viable solution. OKI was no stranger for Selçuk Ecza Deposu as it was already using high performance and rugged OKI Dot Matrix printers for intensive back office printing and OKI IT partner Bürosarf had already been providing proactive support for the last 13 years. This resulted in the deployment of over 120 OKI printers providing significant cost savings and reduced cost of personnel, as OKI printers are integrated into the automation system used in the stores. The whole automation process has significantly reduced the time delays and the stores are using the latest 21st century technologies. Moreover, this has helped the customer to slowly transition from Dot Matrix Printers to OKI High Definition LED Printers. 

“An important benefit from the project is having a tried and tested product in the form of OKI and a reliable supplier in the form of Bürosarf.” said Mustafa Keles, Group IT Manager.

Download the full case study to find out how OKI was able to meet Selçuk Ecza Deposu’s unique requirements thanks to its Managed Print Services solution.

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