Colour Multifunction


Local government for the city of Leonding, Austria

Leonding’s Invisible Helpers – Expert printing solutions for improved efficiency

Like any local government, the city of Leonding places great value on being able to support its citizens. For a busy governmental department to fulfil its duties while also remaining within budget and committed to the best environmental practices, it requires an efficient printing infrastructure throughout all of its facilities. Prior to working with OKI, however, the number of printers and photocopiers in use at Leonding Town Hall and its childcare facilities totaled a substantial 164 devices. Leonding Town Hall had several key requirements in mind while looking for the right solution to its printing problems: cost savings, optimised workflow, reduced central warehousing for consumables, an easy-to-use online ordering system, a coherent system structure and the ability for service and repairs to be handled externally via a single point of contact. Together with OKI specialists, a concept was developed that met their requirements while also considering any potential environmental impact. 
“Our staff found the installation to be completely hassle-free. We are pleased to be able to avoid unnecessary costs, improving efficiencies in both our city and the environment.”  Martina Modl, Project Manager, Local Government Leonding
Download the full case study to find out how since adopting OKI’s Managed Print Solution, Leonding Town Hall has achieved annual savings of approximately €11,000.

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