The OKI group, comprised of Oki Electric Industry Co., Ltd. and its group companies ("OKI"), aims to contribute to solving social issues based on the enterprising spirit set forth in our corporate philosophy and recognizes that the foundation of all of our activities must be to consider the human rights of each and every person connected to OKI in our operations. We hereby establish this "OKI Group Human Rights Policy" to fulfill our responsibility to respect human rights as a corporation.
OKI applies this policy to all officers and employees of OKI. OKI will also seek the support of suppliers and other parties directly involved with OKI's business, products, and services in relation to this policy.
As a signatory to the United Nations Global Compact, OKI respects international norms regarding human rights, including the International Bill of Human Rights and the International Labour Organization (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, and promotes actions based on the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. We also comply with the laws and regulations of the countries and regions in which we operate and strive to respect international principles of human rights.
OKI works to identify any negative human rights impacts in our business activities and has established and regularly performs due diligence procedures to prevent or mitigate such negative impacts.
OKI takes appropriate corrective actions when it confirms that its corporate activities have caused or contributed to negative impacts on human rights. In addition, OKI takes effective grievance measures to enable appropriate remedies.
OKI provides continuous education to our officers and employees to ensure that they understand this policy and international norms on human rights and act appropriately.
OKI regularly discloses the progress and results of our efforts to respect human rights under this policy on our website and in our Integrated Report.
OKI regularly verifies and improves this policy and the nature of our actions based on dialogue and consultations with stakeholders who are actually or potentially affected by human rights issues.
October 2022
Oki Electric Industry Co., Ltd.
Representative Director and President Takahiro Mori
Reports on misuse of public research funds and misconduct related to research
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