

Environmental Data SCOPE1,2,3

This shows the CO2 emissions throughout the OKI Group's value chain.

OKI Group CO2 Emissions Across the Entire Value Chain

CO2 Emissions by SCOPE1,2,3

Category Overview Emissions (Units : 10,000t) Percentage
FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
SCOPE1 Direct emissions from in-house fuel use and manufacturing processes at OKI 0.973 0.850 0.810 0.66% 0.59% 0.51%
SCOPE2 Indirect emissions from the use of electricity and heat purchased by the company by OKI 6.59 6.24 5.18 4.44% 4.36% 3.29%
SCOPE1+2 Total   7.56 7.09 5.99 5.09% 4.95% 3.81%
1 Purchased goods and services (indirect emissions from manufacturing processes at suppliers) 73.5 73.7 76.5 49.4% 51.5% 48.6%
2 Capital goods 5.08 5.11 4.38 3.42% 3.57% 2.79%
3 Fuel and energy-related activities not included in SCOPE 1 or 2 1.27 1.18 1.06 0.86% 0.82% 0.67%
4 Transportation and delivery (upstream) 8.83 10.54 5.1 5.95% 7.37% 3.26%
5 Waste generated by the business 0.318 0.295 0.288 0.21% 0.21% 0.18%
6 Business travel 0.423 0.700 0.783 0.28% 0.49% 0.50%
7 Employee commuting 0.687 0.692 0.687 0.46% 0.48% 0.44%
8 Leased assets (upstream) 0.0620 0.0570 0.0530 0.04% 0.04% 0.03%
9 Transportation and delivery (downstream) 0.724 0.821 0.805 0.49% 0.57% 0.51%
10 Processing of sold products 3.53 4.00 3.92 2.37% 2.79% 2.49%
11 Use of the sold product 45.7 38.1 56.7 30.8% 26.6% 36.1%
12 End-of-life treatment of sold products 0.903 0.833 1.01 0.61% 0.58% 0.64%
13 Leased assets (downstream) - - - - - -
14 Franchise - - - - - -
15 Investment - - - - - -
SCOPE3 Total   141 136 151 94.9% 95.0% 96.2%
SCOPE1+2+3 Total   149 143 157 100% 100% 100%

* Past figures have been revised based on feedback from a third-party verification organization.

Calculation method
Category Calculation method
SCOPE1 Energy Consumption x Emissions per Unit by Energy Type
Based on Japan's Law Concerning the Promotion of Measures to Cope with Global Warming and the Law Concerning the Rational Use of Energy, CO2 emissions are calculated by calculating energy consumption for each type of energy and multiplying it by a CO2 emission factor. For city gas, CO2 emission coefficients published by each company are applied.
SCOPE2 Electric power consumption x emission intensity + purchased steam x emission intensity
Greenhouse gas emission factors used for CO2 emissions from electricity use are:
Japan: Ministry of the Environment and Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry "Emission Factor by Electric Utility"
International: IEA Emission factors
Purchased steam is the same as SCOPE1.
1 Procurement amount of raw materials and materials x emission intensity by product
2 Amount of capital investment related to purchased capital goods x emission intensity by product
3 Electric power, and amount of steam, cold water, and hot water used x emission intensity
4 Transportation cost by transportation method x Emissions intensity by transportation method
5 Outsourced waste treatment and recycling (volume) x emission intensity
6 Number of employees x emission intensity
7 Number of employees x number of working days x (by type of work and city) emissions intensity
8 Consumption by energy type in leased assets × emission intensity by energy type
(Limited to data centers leased (leased) by the OKI Group.)
9 Post-process transportation cost x emission intensity
*Applicable only to products manufactured by EMS (contract manufacturing) business
10 Sales of intermediate products × emission intensity
11 Estimated useful life of product x Annual power consumption x Unit of sales x Unit of emission
12 Amount of waste disposed of or recycled by type and treatment method x emission intensity
13 Not applicable.
(The OKI Group does not operate a leasing business.)
14 Not applicable.
(The OKI Group does not operate franchise businesses.)
15 Not applicable.
(The industry category of the OKI Group is manufacturing, and the OKI Group does not invest.)

Scope of calculation: Scope of consolidation stated in the securities report (excluding cross-shareholdings)
Emissions intensity of SCOPE3 used:
Domestic: 'Emissions intensity database for calculating the organization's greenhouse gas emissions through the supply chain'
Overseas: 'IDEA (Inventory Database for Environmental Analysis)' and 'IEA Emission Factors'

Third-Party verification of CO2 emission data

In fiscal 2023, OKI underwent third party verification of greenhouse gas (CO2) emissions SCOPE1,2 and 3.

Verification target: SCOPE1 and SCOPE2, energy consumption, SCOPE3

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