

Environmental Management Environmental Activity Plan

OKI Group Environmental Activity Plan for FY2023 to FY2025

OKI has formulated the OKI Group Environmental Activity Plan for FY2023 to FY2025 to achieve the Group's medium- to long-term environmental goal of OKI Group Environmental Vision 2030/2050. The plan expresses the desire to promote environmental activities in business, such as the SDGs and decarbonization, and to use the process and results to disseminate information to stakeholders and lead to sustainable growth. All of these activities are supported by the vitalization of environmental activities by each employee.

In order to realize the OKI Group Environmental Vision 2030/2050, this plan has been detailed as an action plan by fiscal 2025, based on backcasting thinking, as shown in the table below.

Environmental Activity Plan for FY2023 to FY2025(Summary).

Environmental Themes Initiatives Classification Applicable Material Issues Action Plan and Targets by FY2025 FY2023 Target FY2023 Results
Entire Expansion and creation of environmentally friendly products opportunity Merchandise Increase ratio of environmental contribution net sales to overall net sales (35%) 32% 39%.
Reached FY2025 target ahead of schedule.
Mitigation of Climate Change Decarbonization of OKI sites Risk Base 21.0% CO2 emissions reduction for Scopes 1+2 (OKI sites) (compared to FY2020) 12.6% reduction (compared to FY2020) Reduced by 23.7%.
Target achieved, generally on track.
Decarbonization of the supply chain Risk Merchandise 12.5% CO2 emissions reduction for Scope 3 (suppliers + from the use of products) (compared to FY2020) 7.5% reduction (compared to FY2020) Increased by 4.3%.
Due to the resolution of the semiconductor shortage, the production volume of automated machines increased.
Pollution prevention Appropriate management of chemical substances at factories Risk Base Passing on chemical substance use history and enhancement of response procedures Investigate usage records of chemical substances for three or more cases 2 cases.
Generally proceeding as planned.
Management of chemical substances contained in products Risk Merchandise Update of management system functions and improvement of response efficiency Update functions of the management system Completed updates to the management system functions.
Generally proceeding as planned.
Resource Recycling Reduction of waste from factories Risk Base Recycling rate(*1) of 84% or more 84% or higher 86%.
Generally proceeding as planned.
Collection of used products Opportunity Merchandise Recycle rate of collected used products of 90% or more 90% or higher 99.6%.
No particular issues.
Addressing water risk Water consumption reduction Risk Base Reduction of water consumption by 0.2% (compared to the previous fiscal year) 0.2% reduction (compared to the previous fiscal year) Reduced by 5.7% (compared to the previous fiscal year). No particular issues.
Conserving Biodiversity Overall initiatives listed above Risk Base/Merchandise Contribution to biodiversity conservation through climate change mitigation, pollution prevention, and resource recycling initiatives Same as FY2025 target No particular issues

  • *1 :

    (Valued amount sold + amount recycled by contractor) ÷ (Valued amount sold + amount entrusted for disposal)

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