
Sustainability Management

Based on the "enterprising spirit" raised in its corporate philosophy, the OKI Group is contributing to resolving social issues through the key Japanese concepts of Mono-zukuri and Koto-zukuri, and will also practice corporate activities built on integrity that are worthy of the trust of stakeholders.

OKI Group Sustainability

As a company "Delivering OKI to your life.," the OKI Group, guided by its corporate philosophy of an "enterprising spirit," contributes to resolving social issues through the key Japanese concepts of Mono-zukuri and Koto-zukuri, while engaging in corporate activities built on integrity that are worthy of the trust of stakeholders.

Sustainability Promotion Structure

In April 2023, the OKI Group established the Sustainability Promotion & Corporate Communication Division and appointed an executive officer in charge to promote initiatives based on identified material issues with the aim of realizing sustainable growth. The Management Conference makes decisions on important matters related to sustainability. Relevant departments, including the abovementioned dedicated organization, report to the Management Conference on the status of ESG initiatives and issues that embody the material issues. Matters that may significantly impact business are reported to the Board of Directors. In fiscal year 2023, discussions were held on revising the 2050 targets outlined in the OKI Group Environmental Vision 2030/2050.

Sustainability Promotion Structure
Sustainability Promotion Structure

OKI Group's Material Issues

Based on the expectations and demands of society and stakeholders, we reevaluated the social issues surrounding OKI. In conjunction with the formulation of the Medium-Term Business Plan 2025, we updated our material issues and continue to promote related initiatives through our daily business activities.

OKI Group's Material Issues

Material Issues Update Process in Conjunction with the Formulation of the Medium-Term Business Plan 2025

Progress on Material Issues

The progress on the material issues updated in fiscal year 2023 is as follows.

Progress on Material Issues

Main Initiatives/Organizations in Which OKI Participates

United Nations Global Compact (UNGC)

In May 2010, OKI signed the "United Nations Global Compact (UNGC)." The OKI Group supports the UNGC's 10 principles concerning the protection of human rights, the eradication of unfair labor practices, environmental measures, and anti-corruption, and will work to contribute to creating a sustainable society.

Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)

In May 2019, OKI announced its support for the "Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)" recommendations. We will disclose and disseminate information in accordance with TCFD recommendations, and will strengthen our efforts to contribute to the realization of a sustainable society brought about by a virtuous cycle of the environment and the economy.

Japan Climate Initiative (JCI)

In April 2020, as a part of initiatives aimed at contributing to global warming prevention and the achievement of SDGs, OKI joined the "Japan Climate Initiative (JCI)," a network aiming for the realization of a decarbonized society. We will leverage co-creation with a broad range of partners aiming for decarbonization to strengthen our measures against climate change, and will contribute to the realization of a decarbonized society.

Challenge Zero

In June 2020, OKI joined "Challenge Zero (Challenge Net Zero Carbon Innovation)" organized by Keidanren (Japan Business Federation), which aims to encourage companies and organizations to take on the challenge of creating new innovations to realize a decarbonized society. We will take on this challenge of creating new innovations that will lead to products and services which contribute to resolving a wide range of environmental issues.

Responsible Minerals Initiative(RMI)

In August 2023, OKI joined the Responsible Minerals Initiative (RMI), which promotes responsible mineral procurement. As a member of RMI, we will maintain a grasp of the latest international developments and promote responsible mineral procurement initiatives.

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