

Procurement Fair Purchasing Practices

Legal Compliance Initiatives

In-house training and enlightenment

In accordance with the OKI Group Code of Conduct, the OKI Group strives to select business partners that are fair and non-discriminatory, and to conduct honest and fair transactions.

In order to conduct proper procurement activities, we hold a "Purchasing Law Workshop" twice a year. We provide education and share information on laws and regulations and the OKI Group's measures.

In fiscal 2023, we held online seminars on purchasing legal affairs from September to December, with a total of 351 participants.

Self-inspection and monitoring

In order to comply with laws and regulations, we also conduct monthly monitoring activities on the procurement status of OKI Group companies.

In addition, the OKI Group companies are required to conduct self-inspection activities once a year using the OKI standard self-inspection sheet that reflects the know-how essential to comply with the Act against Delay in Payment of Subcontract Proceeds, Etc. to Subcontractors. We are working together to resolve issues.

Procurement BCP(Stable Procurement of Materials)

As a company which provides many products in businesses that support social infrastructure, the OKI Group considers it essential to establish a procurement BCP system for ensuring stable procurement of materials in these businesses. In light of increasing risks such as global material shortages triggered by the intensification of natural disasters, pandemics, and conflicts, ensuring the stable supply of materials has become a critical issue in supply chain management. OKI has positioned procurement risk as one of the common risks that must be managed across the Group and is strengthening its efforts in this area. As part of its procurement business continuity plan (BCP), OKI has developed procedural manuals to be applied in the event of a disaster, regularly surveys the locations of suppliers' manufacturing sites, and continuously improves communication methods for emergencies.

Additionally, through regular meetings between procurement divisions, including subsidiaries, OKI promptly shares information on the supply status of materials from suppliers. The Group also provides access to inventory across the Group,searching for products in stock in the market, placing orders early to meet extended lead times, and using alternative products.OKI will continue to work and coordinate with suppliers and business partners in order to secure materials.

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