

Procurement CSR Procurement Initiatives

Initiatives to Achieve Sustainable Procurement Activities

Cycle of Activities to Achieve Sustainable Procurement Activities

OKI is implementing a CSR Procurement Promotion Program in an effort to achieve sustainable procurement activities.

OKI's CSR Procurement Promotion Program

Informing Suppliers

To inform suppliers of the details we want them to comply with, we have published the OKI Group Supply Chain CSR Promotion Guidebook(*). This guidebook clearly spells out the OKI Corporate Philosophy, Charter of Corporate Conduct, and Code of Conduct as well as the OKI Group Procurement Policies.

  • *OKI Group Supply-Chain CSR Deployment Guidebook
    In December of 2020, we revised the OKI Supply Chain CSR Promotion Guidebook.The guidebook complies with the "Guidelines for Responsible Business Conduct" published by JEITA (Japan Electronics and Information Technology Industries Association) in March of 2020. An English version was also made available in February of 2021.

More specifically, we are striving to inform our suppliers of the information below.

Composition of the OKI Group Supply Chain CSR Deployment Guidebook

Section 1: Code of Conduct

  1. Respecting the Laws and Internationally Recognized Standards
  2. Human Rights and Labor
  3. Health and Safety
  4. Environment
  5. Fair Trading and Ethics
  6. Quality and Safety
  7. Information Security
  8. Business Continuity Planning

Section 2: Establishing a Management System

  1. Establishing a Management System
  2. Supplier Management
  3. Proper Import/Export Control
  4. Establishing a Grievance Mechanism
  5. Disclosing the Activities

Evaluating suppliers

Our self-assessment questionnaire complies with the self-assessment sheets issued by JEITA (Japan Electronics and Information Technology Industries Association) in March of 2021. This questionnaire consists of the content below, and it includes details aimed at checking for risks related to sustainable procurement, including human rights and the environment.

Major items Number of questions
1. Respecting the Laws and Internationally Recognized Standards 1
2. Human Rights and Labor 7
3. Health and Safety 9
4. Environment 7
5. Fair Trading and Ethics 7
6. Quality and Safety 3
7. Information Security 3
8. Business Continuity Planning 1
Establishing a Management System 5
Total number of questions 43
Perfect score 172

Our surveys are conducted every fiscal year under the leadership of our Japan-based CSR Procurement Division.
As part of a three-year plan starting in fiscal year 2021, OKI conducted a self-assessment survey targeting approximately 300 (*1) suppliers, out of the roughly 2,000 suppliers accounting for 90% of the transaction value, selected based on transaction details and the location of their facilities. OKI provided feedback to suppliers with low overall scores or particularly low scores in specific areas, engaging in communication to understand the situation and support corrective actions (*2) . In fiscal year 2023, OKI reviewed the target companies and conducted the survey with 38 companies, finding no concerns with any of the suppliers. Going forward, OKI will continue to enhance CSR procurement by reviewing the survey items and target range as needed.


  • *1 : At the start of the survey. Due to supplier consolidation and other factors, there were 206 suppliers as of fiscal year 2023.
  • *2 : Examples of feedback items: Environment, fair trade and ethics, information security, business continuity planning, management systems.

Realization of improvements

Requests for improvement to suppliers
In cases where the overall scoring rate or the score for a certain item is especially low, we submit requests for improvement to suppliers and offer improvement support as part of our activities for improving our relationships of trust with suppliers, including efforts to understand the actual situation and take corrective action.

Initiatives for Responsible Minerals Procurement

To promote the responsible minerals procurement, the OKI Group is engaged in the following initiatives in accordance with a five-step framework based on the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas.

Step 1: Establish strong company management systems

In the OKI Group Human Rights Policy, as a signatory to the United Nations Global Compact, we have declared our commitment to complying with international norms on human rights, including the International Bill of Human Rights and the International Labour Organization (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, as well as to promoting efforts based on the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. These initiatives are being taken within our sustainability promotion structure, under the leadership of the executive officer in charge of sustainability.
As part of these efforts, the OKI Group Procurement Policies set forth the following: "We will not use conflict minerals illicitly mined in conflict-affected regions for our products and will not purchase materials containing such minerals" as our basic policy. We ask that suppliers consent to this policy and undertake appropriate management in accordance therewith. We also implement the conflict minerals survey upon request from customers and other parties.

Step 2: Identify and assess risks

Using the Conflict Minerals Reporting Template (CMRT) and the Extended Minerals Reporting Template (EMRT) issued by the Responsible Mineral Initiative (RMI), OKI surveys suppliers of components and raw materials used in its products regarding conflict minerals (tin, tantalum, tungsten, and gold, or "3TG") and cobalt. This survey checks whether target minerals are contained; identifies smelters in our supply chain; and checks on the status of responsible mineral procurement initiatives by suppliers. Based on the identified smelter information obtained from the survey results, we conduct risk assessments for individual suppliers and products.

Step 3: Design and implement a strategy to respond to identified risks

Based on the results of risk assessments, we ask suppliers using smelters that may be involved in conflicts to take initiatives to implement responsible mineral procurement activities.
Should a customer express similar concerns to us, we communicate the customer’s concerns to suppliers of the relevant products or components and request them to take initiatives.

Step 4: Carry out independent third-party audits

The OKI Group is a member of the RMI, which implements the Responsible Minerals Assurance Process (RMAP), an audit process intended to assure that smelters are not involved in conflicts. We support RMAP audits and promote responsible mineral procurement survey activities in the supply chain.

Step 5: Report on supply chain due diligence

On its website, the OKI Group annually discloses information on its responsible mineral procurement initiatives.

FY2022 survey results

In FY2022, we conducted the conflict minerals survey focusing on suppliers to the printer business. We received responses from all subject suppliers. In addition, we appropriately responded to customer inquiries concerning the conflict minerals survey, through means such as submitting reports using the CMRT and the EMRT.

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