

Procurement OKI Group Procurement Policies

In purchasing the materials, services, and other inputs needed in the manufacture and supply of the products it provides its customers, the OKI Group implements procuring activities with appropriate quality and price levels on a worldwide basis, through transactions that are always fair and transparent. It also endeavors to promote efforts in areas such as compliance with laws, regulations, and societal norms and protection of the environment, by working to build partnerships founded on relationships of trust with its suppliers, requesting its suppliers to cooperate in its activities in the area of corporate social responsibility (CSR).

1. Basic approach

  1. We will select suppliers in a fair and honest manner, both in Japan and overseas.
  2. We will promote procuring activities that incorporate the concepts of CSR, based on the OKI Group Charter of Corporate Conduct.
  3. In addition to pursuing appropriate levels of quality and cost, we will work to ensure a stable procurement of materials.

2. Procurement guidelines

Based on the basic approach above, we will promote procuring activities focusing on the following five points:

  1. Selection of suppliers in a fair and honest manner, both in Japan and overseas:

    In selection of suppliers, we will provide equal opportunities to all prospective suppliers both in Japan and overseas, select suppliers through fair evaluation, and work to achieve mutual growth and performance for both the OKI Group and its suppliers.

  2. Compliance with laws, regulations, and societal norms:

    We will comply with the laws, regulations, and societal norms that apply to each country and territory.

  3. Environmental considerations:

    We will conduct purchasing activities based on the OKI Group Environmental Vision 2030/2050.

  4. Appropriate management and protection of information:

    We will endeavor to manage and protect personal information and confidential information in appropriate ways.

  5. Pursuit of appropriate levels of quality and costs, and ensuring a stable procurement of materials:

    Our procuring activities shall be based on the goal of procuring materials that meet the quality, cost, and delivery-time requirements of the OKI Group.

3. Requests for suppliers

Forming mutual partnerships and working in cooperation with its suppliers are essential to the OKI Group's implementation of procuring based on its Procurement Guidelines.

  1. Compliance with laws, regulations, and societal norms:

    Suppliers are requested to comply with the laws, regulations, and societal norms that apply in each country and region in which they operate. This includes the following requirements:

    • Compliance with laws and regulations related to production and sale of materials, environmental laws and regulations, laws and regulations related to product safety, laws and regulations related to labor, occupational health and safety, and other laws and regulations
    • Prohibition of child labor and forced labor
    • Prohibition of discrimination by race, gender, or other characteristic
    • Realizing a safe and sanitary working environment
    • Prohibition of deviation from fair business practices
  2. Environmental considerations:

    The cooperation of suppliers is essential to reducing environmental impacts across product life cycles, through efforts such as reducing product energy use and waste and reducing use of environmental pollutants. Suppliers are requested to supply materials in accordance with the OKI Group's Green Procurement Standards and to promote aggressively business activities and product-development activities that take protection of the environment into consideration.

  3. Sound and stable business management:

    In order to build relationships based on mutual cooperation and trust, suppliers are requested to promote sound and fair business management. They also are requested to disclose their management policies and the status of their business operations (including financial statements) in an appropriate manner.

  4. Appropriate levels of quality and cost, and stable supply:

    The quality of materials provided by its suppliers has a considerable impact on the performance and safety of the OKI Group's products. Suppliers are requested to supply materials that satisfy the quality levels required by the OKI Group and to comply with the safety standards of each country and territory. They also are requested to supply materials in a stable manner and at competitive prices.

  5. Appropriate management and protection of information:

    Suppliers are requested to manage and protect in appropriate ways personal information concerning customers, third parties, and employees of suppliers, as well as any confidential information received from customers or third parties.

  6. Cooperation for continuous supply:

    Suppliers are requested to cooperate with the OKI Group and to make efforts to maintain their supply chains and continue their material supply, when disasters or any other unexpected circumstances occur. Suppliers are also requested to provide a prompt report to the OKI Group if their operation is affected by any disaster.

  7. Basic policy for conflict minerals:

    We will not use conflict minerals illicitly mined in conflict-affected regions for our products and will not purchase materials containing such conflict minerals based on our basic policy. Suppliers are requested to agree with the OKI Group’s Conflict Mineral Policy and carry out appropriate management of their materials to ensure they are free of such conflict minerals.

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