Delivering OK! to your life.
To achieve this mission, it is essential for each and every OKI Group employee to fully demonstrate their abilities in good health. The OKI Group will work as one to promote the physical and mental health of our employees and their families.
Representative Director and President Takahiro Mori
June 2022
As a company interested in "Delivering OK! to your life," the OKI Group considers the ongoing creation of value to be a priority management issue. To achieve this, it is necessary for our diverse human resources to be able to work proactively, and we believe that the foundation of such work is for employees and their families to possess the mental and physical health necessary to fully demonstrate their abilities, so we pursue health management initiatives as a Group.
The executive in charge of the OKI Human Resources and General Affairs Division is responsible for selecting Health Management Committee members from the Human Resources and General Affairs Divisions of each Group company as well as for selecting a representative industrial physician and representative public health nurse from among the occupational health staff. We promote health management in collaboration with the OKI Union and OKI Health Insurance Society, including linkage with in-house diversity & inclusion promotion as well as OKI well-being promotion.
We also pursue initiatives aimed at preventing illnesses and promoting the health of employees and their families, including linkage with both related organizations and in-house promotion activities. Based on the Group’s collective promotion structure, we share information on issues based on statistical analyses of various kinds of health-checkup and medical-expense data possessed by the Company and health insurance society, and we implement our PDCA cycle with the participation of our representative industrial physician and representative public health nurse.
Occupational health staff members who are on the Health Promotion Team of OKI Proserve, a domestic affiliated company, handle health management business related to OKI Group employees. We have set up Health Promotion Offices in our six major site districts, and occupational health staff members work at each of them. We have therefore developed an environment that enables anyone to consult with industrial physicians and occupational nurses at a nearby consultation counter anytime. In addition to face-to-face consultations, we offer telephone-based and online interviews through the utilization of our health management system, so employees can make appointments for consultations regardless of whether their work locations are in Japan or overseas. In addition to handling daily health management, our industrial physicians and occupational nurses plan, implement, and promote health management measures.
The Company and its health insurance society keep track of the results of analyzing various kinds of data they mutually have. Based on these results, they pursue initiatives to tackle health issues and achieve a health management vision based on three perspectives: "body," "mind," and "awareness."
In addition to tackling a wide range of issues related to physical and mental health, we strive to more effectively implement health promotion by identifying health issues to be prioritized by the OKI Group based on the results of analyzing various kinds of data from three perspectives—the "body," "mind," and "awareness"—and then implement measures accordingly.
In addition, when planning various initiatives, we strive to enable employees to independently promote their own health by regularly conducting pulse surveys and questionnaires targeting OKI Group employees and then incorporating employee feedback that includes employees’ subjective opinions of their health conditions as well as health themes that many employees are interested in.
In fiscal year 2021, we introduced the "Body Refresh Campaign," an online program for employees to enjoy at home with their families to help resolve the issue of not getting enough exercise, and we implement this program throughout Japan every year. We have received the following kinds of feedback from employees who participated in strength training, stretching, yoga, and other activities: "The explanations were easy to understand even from my remote location." "The contents enabled family participation and were really good." "I really liked the teaching style, process, atmosphere, etc." "I did not think 30 minutes would accomplish much, but I ended up sweating and getting a little sore, which made it rewarding."
Based on the results of questionnaires targeting OKI Group employees, one out of every two employees has expressed an interest in "sleep improvement" for three years in a row since fiscal year 2020.
Given that sleep improvement is connected to reducing the number of obese people—which is a serious health issue—we have set sleep improvement as a top-priority theme in terms of encouraging healthy employee behavior, and we are focusing on and implementing sleep improvement measures. In fiscal year 2022, because we believe that—to improve the quality of one’s sleep—it is important to first understand how well you sleep, we introduced and started running "Personal Sleep Check My Sleep." Over 2,100 employees use this service, and we have received the following kinds of feedback from them: "I was finally able to review how I sleep." "I gained a new appreciation for the importance of sleep."
In fiscal year 2023, in addition to continuing to promote existing efforts, we also started holding the new Good Sleep Seminar. Our goal is to trigger behavioral changes based on employee interests, improve lifestyle habits, and thereby reduce the number of obese employees.
To reduce the number of smokers as much as possible and help as many employees as possible maintain good health, we have closed our indoor smoking areas and made smoking prohibited during working hours other than at lunchtime. We also run an online smoking cessation program to support employee efforts to quit smoking.
During our regular in-house health checkups, we offer free colon cancer tests (tests for blood in the stool) to any employees who are at least 30 years old and want them. We also offer free stomach cancer risk checkups and hepatitis tests to employees who are at least 35 years old and want them.
In addition, we offer "OKI Value Health Checkups," which include various cancer tests equivalent to those done during complete medical checkups and are available for a copayment amount of ¥2,000, and promote regular cancer tests. At the same time, to increase the percentage of employees who undergo testing, we provide in-house cancer-related education and conduct awareness-raising activities in collaboration with our occupational health staff members by holding seminars and broadcasting relevant information.
During our regular in-house health checkups, any employees who are at least 35 years old may add uric acid tests if they choose, which is one of the initiatives we are promoting to help prevent lifestyle diseases.
In cooperation with our health insurance society, we promote specific health guidance focused on metabolic syndrome for employees who are at least 40 years old. In addition, in fiscal year 2022, we started collaborating with our occupational health staff members to hold seminars aimed at providing background knowledge on lifestyle diseases and specific health guidance to employees of all age groups, thereby pursuing initiatives to enhance our promotion of the implementation of specific health guidance.
We take aftercare measures(*1) based on standards decided on via repeated discussions between industrial physicians. We impose work restrictions on employees who satisfy high-risk standards, and we cooperate with each Human Resources and General Affairs Division and workplace superior to ensure adequate employment considerations. In addition, our occupational nurses provide health guidance to employees who satisfy the standards indicating that they require it, while also providing support to suitably improve the lifestyle habits of individual employees.
To enable employees to independently promote their own health, we provide "MY HEALTH WEB," an individual-oriented health web portal, as a way to support self-care. Employees can use this service to view health advice in line with their health checkup results and lifestyle habits over the years while also recording the number of steps they take and body weight. In addition, points are awarded according to the frequency of utilization as an incentive, and accumulated points can be exchanged by employees for products they like.
We hold this event once per year in autumn. In fiscal year 2022, we had employees select at least two out of around 20 courses aimed at improving lifestyle habits and then engage in related efforts for two months. Different health missions (achievement conditions) were set for each course, and—as an incentive—employees who satisfied the achievement conditions received an achievement award. Our participants indicated that the campaign resulted in "lifestyle habit improvements, including food, sleep, exercise, and smoking."
In fiscal year 2023, we plan to update the campaign contents to make the experience fresher and more enjoyable for employees.
We have our industrial physicians run seminars that cover gender-specific health issues (including cancer and hormones) to provide education that deepens the understanding not only of employees but also the mutual understanding of superiors and their subordinates as well as colleagues.
Once per year, we implement stress checks that target all employees. Employees who satisfy our high-stress standards are interviewed by industrial physicians, and we also recommend counseling by professional counselors outside of the Company that can be used by employees and their family members free of charge.
In addition to our annual stress check covering all employees, we also provide tools that employees can use to check their stress levels anytime, regularly distribute information that is useful for self-care, provide ongoing mental health education, and hold seminars. Because we believe that primary prevention is important, we are also preparing information and an environment that enable employees to independently take care of themselves.
To help prevent mental illnesses, we provide bidirectional education for both employees and their managers.
More specifically, we provide e-learning to managers that enables them to learn about preventing mental illnesses as well as promptly discovering and responding to mentally ill employees. Meanwhile, in addition to providing e-learning to the employees themselves, we hold seminars run by industrial physicians and public health nurses.
Every month, our occupational health staff members actively distribute articles throughout the OKI Group to provide information based on health themes required by employees as well as our annual health management promotion plan. Up until now, these articles have covered a wide range of themes, including information on preventing the spread of COVID-19 and other infectious diseases, information on preventing lower back pain and shoulder stiffness to address the issue of presenteeism, and information on sleep improvement.
In collaboration with our public relations office, we have set up a section for a series that focuses on the theme of health management in the OKI Group newsletter. The section is called "Three-Minute Tips from Industrial Physicians: What You Should Know About OKI Group Health Management," and it is used to enable industrial physicians to provide easy-to-understand health information as well as details on the OKI Group’s in-house initiatives.
We regularly hold in-house seminars throughout the year that have themes decided on based on the results of analyzing various kinds of data, stress check implementation timing, and the results of questionnaires targeting employees (employee needs). The seminars held by our industrial physicians and occupational nurses—who act as an in-house point of contact—lead to improved literacy and serve as an opportunity to communicate with employees. In addition, after each seminar is held, participants are asked to respond to a questionnaire, and then we confirm the seminar usefulness evaluation as well as seminar-related employee needs to plan the next seminar.
In line with the implementation timing of various measures aimed at health promotion, the employees of OKI WorkWel(*2) create health awareness-raising posters intended to support such initiatives and then display them throughout the OKI Group. Our employees are quite familiar with the original posters that they see displayed everywhere at work.
In December of 2021, we established a new satellite office at our Shibaura office. Based on our belief that health promotion is not merely something to be done only in private but also something to be self-managed during work, we are promoting the development of a borderless health promotion environment. At the satellite office, we have introduced exercise bikes and other fitness equipment, and we have also posted stride-length signs on the floors of corridors that are based on the height of each individual as well as signs everywhere that remind people to stretch. In addition, as a result of including a dining café, sunken kotatsu dining and meeting spaces, and other facilities, we have enabled the use of the office for both employee communication and relaxation, thereby achieving a comfortable space that is repeatedly visited by many employees. We also use the space to hold OKI Group health management seminars.
The OKI Group collaboratively pursues initiatives for health management with companies we do business with. To promote healthy employee behavior, in August of 2023, we collaboratively held a seminar aimed at reviewing eating habits right when our employees received the results of their regular health checkups. The seminar provided an opportunity to learn about how to reduce salt and absorb more calcium, and an experiment related to calcium absorption was also conducted. We received the following kinds of feedback from employees who attended: "The presented ideas are easily incorporated into daily life, so I plan to do so soon." "There was an experiment and quiz, which made it fun to acquire knowledge." "It was a valuable opportunity to learn about the health-related initiatives of companies we do business with."
OKI participates in the "Health & Productivity Management Alliance," which was established on June 30, 2023. The Health & Productivity Management Alliance is an organization consisting of 148 companies and organizations (as of June 30) that conduct activities in line with the alliance’s vision of "revitalizing Japanese companies and achieving sustainable health insurance societies though employee health." Through the Health & Productivity Management Alliance, we will cooperate with our health insurance society to promote collaborative health in order to achieve data-driven issue identification and solution execution as well as the evaluation of various measures. In addition, by steadily implementing a PDCA cycle based on a data health plan, we will co-create solutions aimed at health-management shaping and result generation, and we will then implement these solutions throughout the industrial world.
To help prevent the spread of influenza, COVID-19, and other infectious diseases, we have formulated in-house guidelines to organize and implement our rules on working when employees are infected or do not feel well in an effort to prevent both infections and the spread of disease.
In addition, to facilitate behavior that helps to prevent the spread of disease, we have set up sanitizer at each workplace, we set up sanitary management environments by using hand sanitizer, etc., we have developed flex-time and telework systems so employees can commute during off-peak hours, and we subsidize the cost of influenza vaccines for employees and their dependents.
The WHO defines well-being as a "state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being," and it is said that resolving health issues is an important factor in achieving well-being. The OKI Group promotes "OKI Well-Being" throughout the Group and defines this as a state of complete well-being in terms of three perspectives: "health," "dialogues," and "job satisfaction." The OKI Group’s initiatives for health management correspond to being "healthy in mind and body," which is one aspect of "OKI Well-Being," and links in-house promotion activities accordingly.
Body:prevent obesity and reduce obesity rates | Obesity rates:31.0% | - |
Mind: prevent mental health issues | Stress check rates:100.0% | Percentage of employees with high stress levels:10.0% |
Awareness: improve health awareness and encourage action | Habitual exercise rates:30.0% | Percentage of employees with healthy sleeping habits:80.0% |
FY2020 | FY2021 | FY2022 | |
Regular health check rates(%)(*4) | 100.0% | 100.0% | 100.0% |
No. of Refresh Your Body Campaign participants(*5) | - | 2,422 | 2,349 |
No. of personal sleep check users(*6) | - | - | 2,154 |
No. of online smoking cessation program participants(*7) | 50 | 43 | 12 |
Stress check rates(%)(*8) | 92.8 | 94.3 | 94.6 |
Average monthly hours of overtime (hours/month)(*9) | 24.93 | 27.40 | 26.15 |
Paid leave usage rate(%)(*10) | 54.1 | 59.8 | 62.2 |
"Women's health issues that all working people should know" online seminar (January 2022) |
"Methods for maintaining mental and physical health: mental health" video-streaming seminar (April 2022) |
"Improve your sleep for a healthy mind and body!" video-streaming seminar (July 2022) |
"Walking seminar" group seminar (April 2023) |
"Lemon universityr" group seminar (August 2023) |
Health management seminar feedback scores (on a five-point scale)(*11) | 4.72 | 4.27 | 4.25 | 4.50 | 4.38 |
FY2020 | FY2021 | FY2022 | |
Percentage of online smoking cessation program achievements(%)(*12) | 80.0 | 79.0 | 75.0 |
No. of online smoking cessation program participants(*13) | 50 | 43 | 12 |
Smoking rate(%)(*14) | 20.1 | 19.0 | 18.8 |
Percentage of employees who regularly exercise(%)(*15) | 24.2 | 25.5 | 27.1 |
Percentage of employees with healthy sleeping(%)(*16) | 64.3 | 63.2 | 63.4 |
Percentage of obese employees(%)(*17) | 30.8 | 30.9 | 31.3 |
FY2020 | FY2021 | FY2022 | |
Presentism(%)(*18) | 80.5 | 81.3 | 80.3 |
Work engagement(%)(*19) | 63.0 | 54.3 | 52.9 |
Average years of service(*20) | 19.5 | 19.9 | 19.9 |
In March 2023, OKI was recognized in the large enterprise category of "2023 Certified Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organizations" as a company proactively promoting health. We have been certified for 7 consecutive years since 2017.
In March 2023, OKI was recognized by the Japan Sports Agency as a "Sports Yell Company 2023" for its active promotion of sports activities to improve employee health.
The OKI Group positions the creation of a comfortable work environment where employees can work in a safe and healthy manner as an important foundation for its corporate activities. In each region, OKI established "Safety and Health Committees" comprised of management and labor union members to develop safety and health systems. Management and labor union members work together to systematically advance measures for preventing hazards and health problems and promoting the health of employees. The Central Safety and Health Committee meets once a year to evaluate the activities of each region and encourage their broader implementation.
In 2022, OKI's incidence rate of occupational accidents(*21) was 0.00 (electric machinery/equipment manufacturing industry's average in Japan: 0.53) and severity rate of occupational accidents(*22) was 0.00 (electric machinery/equipment manufacturing industry's average in Japan: 0.02). We will continue to promote activities aimed at achieving zero occupational accidents.
FY2019 | FY2020 | FY2021 | FY2022 |
0.00 | 0.00 | 0.09 | 0.00 |
FY2019 | FY2020 | FY2021 | FY2022 |
0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
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