

Environmental Data Saving and Recycling of Resources

The OKI Group works actively on reducing waste and recycling. Our waste reduction efforts focus on optimizing purchase quantities, and involve effective use of production management systems and enforcing operation rules. Improving yields at productions sites is a perennial goal, and we are always keen to eliminate waste when using input resources. Unneeded materials generated from production activities are sold as valuables or outsourced for processing by recyclers that can turn them into new resources.

Achievements in Fiscal 2022

Promotion of Material Recycling

OKI Group's goal is to maintain the overall Material recycling rate (*1)at the 2015 to 2022 level(84%).Our performance in fiscal 2021 was 86%.

Recycling rate of total waste

  • *1:Material recycling rate

    (Amount of value sold + Amount recycled by consignees) / (Amount of value sold + Amount of entrusted disposal)

Total waste generated

Change in total waste generation across the OKI Group

Total waste generated

Amount of waste subject to final disposal

Change in amount of waste subject to final disposal across the OKI Group

Amount of waste subject to final disposal

Initiatives for recycling plastic resources

OKI Group has set a goal to maintain the above recycling rate, including waste plastics.

Material recycling rate of waste plastics

Trends in the material recycling rate of waste plastics

Material recycling rate of waste plastics

Amount of waste plastic

Trends in the amount of waste plastics disposed

Amount of waste plastic

Efforts to reduce waste and recycle plastic

Reports on misuse of public research funds and misconduct related to research
activities can also be filed from the page that opens when you click the above button.

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