Microsoft에서 Windows XP에 대한 지원이 종료되었으며 이후 개발된 OKI 프로그램은 Windows XP에서의 작동을 보장하지 않습니다.
프린터 드라이버를 찾을 수없는 경우 OS 호환 페이지를 참조하십시오.
PCL Printer Driver
버젼: 1.0.27
크기: 25.7 MB
PCLXL printer driver allows your software application to control your printer.
운영체제: Windows 11; Windows 10 (32bit); Windows 10 (64bit); Windows 8.1 (32bit); Windows 8.1 (64bit); Windows 8 (32bit); Windows 8 (64bit); Windows 7 (32bit); Windows 7 (64bit); Windows Vista (32bit); Windows Vista (64bit); Windows Server 2022; Windows Server 2019; Windows Server 2016; Windows Server 2012 R2; Windows Server 2012; Windows Server 2008 R2; Windows Server 2008 (32bit); Windows Server 2008 (64bit); Windows Server 2003 (32bit); Windows Server 2003 (64bit)
포르투갈어(브라질); 카탈로니아어; 체코어; 덴마크어; 네델란드어; 영어; 핀란드어; 프랑스어; 독일어; 그리스어; 헝가리어; 이탈리아어; 일본어; 한국어; 노르웨이어; 폴란드어; 포르투갈어; 러시아어; 중국어 간체; 스페인어; 스웨덴어; 중국어 번체; 터키어
PS Printer Driver
버젼: 1.1.2
크기: 17.2 MB
This is a PS printer driver.
운영체제: macOS 15; macOS 14; macOS 13; macOS 12; macOS 11; macOS 10.15; macOS 10.14; macOS 10.13; macOS 10.12; OS X 10.11; OS X 10.10
포르투갈어(브라질); 영어; 프랑스어; 독일어; 이탈리아어; 일본어; 한국어; 포르투갈어; 중국어 간체; 스페인어; 중국어 번체
PS Printer Driver
버젼: 1.1.1
크기: 10.7 MB
This is a PS printer driver.
It is supported with Mac OS X 10.6.8 or later.
운영체제: OS X 10.9; OS X 10.8; OS X 10.7; Mac OS X 10.6
포르투갈어(브라질); 영어; 프랑스어; 독일어; 이탈리아어; 일본어; 한국어; 포르투갈어; 중국어 간체; 스페인어; 중국어 번체
PS Printer Driver
버젼: 1.0.8
크기: 22.2 MB
This driver allows your software application to control your printer.
운영체제: Windows 11; Windows 10 (32bit); Windows 10 (64bit); Windows 8.1 (32bit); Windows 8.1 (64bit); Windows 8 (32bit); Windows 8 (64bit); Windows 7 (32bit); Windows 7 (64bit); Windows Vista (32bit); Windows Vista (64bit); Windows Server 2022; Windows Server 2019; Windows Server 2016; Windows Server 2012 R2; Windows Server 2012; Windows Server 2008 R2; Windows Server 2008 (32bit); Windows Server 2008 (64bit)
포르투갈어(브라질); 영어; 프랑스어; 독일어; 이탈리아어; 일본어; 한국어; 중국어 간체; 스페인어; 중국어 번체
Universal PCL5 Printer Driver
버젼: 1.8.1
크기: 10.5 MB
This driver works with OKI color and mono printer/MFPs. A unique driver is not required for each model.
운영체제: Windows 11; Windows 10 (32bit); Windows 10 (64bit); Windows 8.1 (32bit); Windows 8.1 (64bit); Windows 8 (32bit); Windows 8 (64bit); Windows 7 (32bit); Windows 7 (64bit); Windows Server 2022; Windows Server 2019; Windows Server 2016; Windows Server 2012 R2; Windows Server 2012; Windows Server 2008 R2; Windows Server 2008 (32bit); Windows Server 2008 (64bit)
아라비아어; 포르투갈어(브라질); 카탈로니아어; 체코어; 덴마크어; 네델란드어; 영어; 프랑스어; 독일어; 그리스어; 헤브라이어; 헝가리어; 이탈리아어; 일본어; 폴란드어; 포르투갈어; 러시아어; 스페인어; 터키어
XPS Printer Driver
버젼: 1.0.4
크기: 12.1 MB
This driver allows your software application to control your printer.
운영체제: Windows 11; Windows 10 (32bit); Windows 10 (64bit); Windows 8.1 (32bit); Windows 8.1 (64bit); Windows 8 (32bit); Windows 8 (64bit); Windows 7 (32bit); Windows 7 (64bit); Windows Vista (32bit); Windows Vista (64bit); Windows Server 2022; Windows Server 2019; Windows Server 2016; Windows Server 2012 R2; Windows Server 2012; Windows Server 2008 R2; Windows Server 2008 (32bit); Windows Server 2008 (64bit)
영어; 일본어
Scanner Driver
버젼: 1.2.5
크기: 15.2 MB
This software is the TWAIN driver that acquires images from applications that support the TWAIN protocol.
The TWAIN driver controls scanners that are connected by USB and Network.
It also corresponds to WIA (Windows Image Acquisition).
운영체제: Windows 11; Windows 10 (32bit); Windows 10 (64bit); Windows 8.1 (32bit); Windows 8.1 (64bit); Windows 8 (32bit); Windows 8 (64bit); Windows 7 (32bit); Windows 7 (64bit); Windows Vista (32bit); Windows Vista (64bit); Windows Server 2022; Windows Server 2019; Windows Server 2016; Windows Server 2012 R2; Windows Server 2012; Windows Server 2008 R2; Windows Server 2008 (32bit); Windows Server 2008 (64bit)
영어; 프랑스어; 독일어; 이탈리아어; 일본어; 한국어; 포르투갈어; 중국어 간체; 스페인어; 중국어 번체
Scanner Driver
버젼: 1.1.1
크기: 14.3 MB
This software is the TWAIN driver that acquires images from applications that support the TWAIN protocol.
The TWAIN driver controls scanners that are connected by USB and Network.
It also corresponds to WIA (Windows Image Acquisition).
운영체제: Windows Server 2003 (32bit)
영어; 프랑스어; 독일어; 이탈리아어; 일본어; 한국어; 포르투갈어; 중국어 간체; 스페인어; 중국어 번체
Scanner Driver
버젼: 1.1.1
크기: 14.4 MB
This software is the TWAIN driver that acquires images from applications that support the TWAIN protocol.
The TWAIN driver controls scanners that are connected by USB and Network.
It also corresponds to WIA (Windows Image Acquisition).
운영체제: Windows Server 2003 (64bit)
영어; 프랑스어; 독일어; 이탈리아어; 일본어; 한국어; 포르투갈어; 중국어 간체; 스페인어; 중국어 번체
Scanner Driver
버젼: 2.0.0
크기: 3.0 MB
This is a scanner(Image Capture) driver.
운영체제: macOS 15; macOS 14; macOS 13; macOS 12; macOS 11; macOS 10.15; macOS 10.14; macOS 10.13; macOS 10.12
영어; 일본어
Scanner Driver
버젼: 1.2.0
크기: 2.8 MB
This is a scanner(Image Capture) driver.
운영체제: OS X 10.11; OS X 10.10; OS X 10.9; OS X 10.8
영어; 일본어
Scanner Driver (Debian AMD64)
버젼: 1.7.0
크기: 1.2 MB
This is a Scanner Driver for Debian System amd64 OS
운영체제: Linux
영어; 프랑스어; 독일어; 이탈리아어; 일본어; 포르투갈어; 러시아어; 스페인어
Scanner Driver (Debian i386)
버젼: 1.7.0
크기: 1.2 MB
This is a Scanner Driver for Debian System i386 OS
운영체제: Linux
영어; 프랑스어; 독일어; 이탈리아어; 일본어; 포르투갈어; 러시아어; 스페인어
Scanner Driver (ICA)
버젼: 1.0.17
크기: 3.1 MB
Scanner Driver (Red Hat i386)
버젼: 1.7.0
크기: 1.2 MB
This is a Scanner Driver for RedHat System i386 OS
운영체제: Linux
영어; 프랑스어; 독일어; 이탈리아어; 일본어; 포르투갈어; 러시아어; 스페인어
Scanner Driver (Red Hat x86_64)
버젼: 1.7.0
크기: 1.2 MB
This is a Scanner Driver for RedHat System x86_64 OS
운영체제: Linux
영어; 프랑스어; 독일어; 이탈리아어; 일본어; 포르투갈어; 러시아어; 스페인어
FAX Driver
버젼: 1.0.4
크기: 12.8 MB
This driver allows you to send a fax from application via the MFP.
운영체제: Windows 10 (32bit); Windows 10 (64bit); Windows 8.1 (32bit); Windows 8.1 (64bit); Windows 8 (32bit); Windows 8 (64bit); Windows 7 (32bit); Windows 7 (64bit); Windows Vista (32bit); Windows Vista (64bit); Windows Server 2019; Windows Server 2016; Windows Server 2012 R2; Windows Server 2012; Windows Server 2008 R2; Windows Server 2008 (32bit); Windows Server 2008 (64bit)
포르투갈어(브라질); 카탈로니아어; 체코어; 덴마크어; 네델란드어; 영어; 핀란드어; 프랑스어; 독일어; 그리스어; 헝가리어; 이탈리아어; 일본어; 한국어; 노르웨이어; 폴란드어; 포르투갈어; 러시아어; 중국어 간체; 스페인어; 스웨덴어; 중국어 번체; 터키어
Universal Fax Driver
버젼: 1.0.5
크기: 11.0 MB
FAX printer driver allows you to send a fax from application via MFP.
운영체제: Windows 11; Windows 10 (32bit); Windows 10 (64bit); Windows 8.1 (32bit); Windows 8.1 (64bit); Windows 8 (32bit); Windows 8 (64bit); Windows 7 (32bit); Windows 7 (64bit); Windows Vista (32bit); Windows Vista (64bit); Windows Server 2022; Windows Server 2019; Windows Server 2016; Windows Server 2012 R2; Windows Server 2012; Windows Server 2008 R2; Windows Server 2008 (32bit); Windows Server 2008 (64bit)
포르투갈어(브라질); 카탈로니아어; 체코어; 덴마크어; 네델란드어; 영어; 핀란드어; 프랑스어; 독일어; 그리스어; 헝가리어; 이탈리아어; 일본어; 한국어; 노르웨이어; 폴란드어; 포르투갈어; 러시아어; 중국어 간체; 스페인어; 스웨덴어; 중국어 번체; 터키어
버젼: 1.12.0
크기: 17.7 MB
This utility enables you to perform various scanning operations via the MFP when connected by USB or Network, just by clicking a button.
운영체제: Windows 11; Windows 10 (32bit); Windows 10 (64bit); Windows 8.1 (32bit); Windows 8.1 (64bit); Windows 8 (32bit); Windows 8 (64bit); Windows 7 (32bit); Windows 7 (64bit); Windows Vista (32bit); Windows Vista (64bit); Windows Server 2022; Windows Server 2019; Windows Server 2016; Windows Server 2012 R2; Windows Server 2012; Windows Server 2008 R2; Windows Server 2008 (32bit); Windows Server 2008 (64bit); Windows Server 2003 (32bit); Windows Server 2003 (64bit)
포르투갈어(브라질); 영어; 프랑스어; 독일어; 이탈리아어; 일본어; 한국어; 스페인어; 중국어 번체
Color Correct Utility
버젼: 2.26.0
크기: 80.5 MB
The program has two separate functions to adjust the colors in your prints:
- Office Palette Tuning: for fixing the specific colors that appear in Microsoft Programs
- Gamma, Hue & Saturation Tuning: for changing the overall appearance of prints. The settings are saved in the printer driver and are selectable when printing documents.
운영체제: Windows 11; Windows 10 (32bit); Windows 10 (64bit); Windows 8.1 (32bit); Windows 8.1 (64bit); Windows 8 (32bit); Windows 8 (64bit); Windows 7 (32bit); Windows 7 (64bit); Windows Server 2022; Windows Server 2019; Windows Server 2016; Windows Server 2012 R2; Windows Server 2012; Windows Server 2008 R2; Windows Server 2008 (32bit); Windows Server 2008 (64bit)
영어; 프랑스어; 독일어; 이탈리아어; 일본어; 한국어; 포르투갈어; 중국어 간체; 스페인어; 중국어 번체
Color Correct Utility
버젼: 4.3.0
크기: 6.3 MB
This program allows you to adjust printing color on Macintosh®.
운영체제: macOS 15; macOS 14; macOS 13; macOS 12; macOS 11; macOS 10.15; macOS 10.14; macOS 10.13; macOS 10.12; OS X 10.11; OS X 10.10
포르투갈어(브라질); 영어; 프랑스어; 독일어; 이탈리아어; 일본어; 한국어; 포르투갈어; 중국어 간체; 스페인어
Color Correct Utility
버젼: 2.1.8
크기: 71.7 MB
This program allows you to adjust printing color on Macintosh®.
운영체제: OS X 10.9; OS X 10.8; OS X 10.7; Mac OS X 10.6
포르투갈어(브라질); 영어; 프랑스어; 독일어; 이탈리아어; 일본어; 한국어; 포르투갈어; 중국어 간체; 스페인어
Color Swatch Utility
버젼: 3.1.0
크기: 8.6 MB
This utility prints out a sample color chart to use as a reference to help print specific color. Once a color is selected from the chart, you make a note of its RGB values into the application’s color picker to help select the exact color from the chart.
운영체제: Windows 11; Windows 10 (32bit); Windows 10 (64bit); Windows 8.1 (32bit); Windows 8.1 (64bit); Windows 8 (32bit); Windows 8 (64bit); Windows 7 (32bit); Windows 7 (64bit); Windows Server 2022; Windows Server 2019; Windows Server 2016; Windows Server 2012 R2; Windows Server 2012; Windows Server 2008 R2; Windows Server 2008 (32bit); Windows Server 2008 (64bit)
영어; 프랑스어; 독일어; 이탈리아어; 일본어; 한국어; 포르투갈어; 중국어 간체; 스페인어; 중국어 번체
Configuration Tool
버젼: 1.9.3
크기: 50.7 MB
This software lets you discover devices and display basic information about them such as name, status and connecting part. It also acts as a base to install plug-in software with additional features.
The following functions can be used by installing plug-ins which are enclosed with the download file:
- Review and change device set-up information.
- Back-up and copy device set-up information (except device password and network set-up).
- Manage the PIN which sets up device operation restriction and change registration information including address book, telephone directory etc.
- Notification of printing and fax transmission completion (networked device only)
- Detect any device without an IP address and set it up.
- Manage storage of device’s hard disk or SD memory card to improve device performance or preserve printing resource.
- Register color profile to device. The purpose of a registered ICC profile is for color matching between monitor and device and for color simulation with another printer. The registered ICC profile can be specified by an ID number on the printer driver, at time of printing.
운영체제: Windows 11; Windows 10 (32bit); Windows 10 (64bit); Windows 8.1 (32bit); Windows 8.1 (64bit); Windows 8 (32bit); Windows 8 (64bit); Windows 7 (32bit); Windows 7 (64bit); Windows Server 2022; Windows Server 2019; Windows Server 2016; Windows Server 2012 R2; Windows Server 2012; Windows Server 2008 R2; Windows Server 2008 (32bit); Windows Server 2008 (64bit)
포르투갈어(브라질); 영어; 프랑스어; 독일어; 이탈리아어; 일본어; 한국어; 중국어 간체; 스페인어; 중국어 번체
Driver Installer Generator
버젼: 2.1.0
크기: 5.9 MB
Driver Installer Generator is software that creates an installer of the printer driver.
By creating an installer for your specific environment, you can save the trouble of installing the printer driver.
운영체제: Windows 11; Windows 10 (32bit); Windows 10 (64bit); Windows 8.1 (32bit); Windows 8.1 (64bit); Windows Server 2022; Windows Server 2019; Windows Server 2016; Windows Server 2012 R2; Windows Server 2012
영어; 일본어
버젼: 2.1.0
크기: 5.2 MB
This is the software to start the FAQ site to solve the trouble of the device on the web.
운영체제: Windows 11; Windows 10 (32bit); Windows 10 (64bit); Windows 8.1 (32bit); Windows 8.1 (64bit); Windows 8 (32bit); Windows 8 (64bit); Windows 7 (32bit); Windows 7 (64bit); Windows Server 2022; Windows Server 2019; Windows Server 2016; Windows Server 2012 R2; Windows Server 2012; Windows Server 2008 R2; Windows Server 2008 (32bit); Windows Server 2008 (64bit)
포르투갈어(브라질); 카탈로니아어; 체코어; 덴마크어; 네델란드어; 영어; 핀란드어; 프랑스어; 독일어; 그리스어; 헝가리어; 이탈리아어; 일본어; 한국어; 노르웨이어; 폴란드어; 포르투갈어; 러시아어; 중국어 간체; 스페인어; 스웨덴어; 중국어 번체; 터키어
버젼: 1.0.4
크기: 854.7 KB
This is the software to start the FAQ site to solve the trouble of the device on the web.
운영체제: macOS 15; macOS 14; macOS 13; macOS 12; macOS 11; macOS 10.15; macOS 10.14; macOS 10.13; macOS 10.12; OS X 10.11; OS X 10.10
영어; 일본어
ICC Profile
버젼: 1.1.0
크기: 8.8 MB
This is an ICC profile for PS printer driver.
운영체제: macOS 15; macOS 14; macOS 13; macOS 12; macOS 11; macOS 10.15; macOS 10.14; macOS 10.13; macOS 10.12; OS X 10.11; OS X 10.10; OS X 10.9; OS X 10.8; OS X 10.7; Mac OS X 10.6
포르투갈어(브라질); 체코어; 덴마크어; 네델란드어; 영어; 핀란드어; 프랑스어; 독일어; 그리스어; 헝가리어; 이탈리아어; 일본어; 한국어; 노르웨이어; 폴란드어; 포르투갈어; 러시아어; 중국어 간체; 스페인어; 스웨덴어; 중국어 번체; 터키어
ICC Profile (PCL)
버젼: 1.1.0
크기: 5.7 MB
This is an ICC profile for PCL printer driver.
운영체제: Windows 11; Windows 10 (32bit); Windows 10 (64bit); Windows 8.1 (32bit); Windows 8.1 (64bit); Windows 8 (32bit); Windows 8 (64bit); Windows 7 (32bit); Windows 7 (64bit); Windows Vista (32bit); Windows Vista (64bit); Windows Server 2022; Windows Server 2019; Windows Server 2012 R2; Windows Server 2012; Windows Server 2008 R2; Windows Server 2008 (32bit); Windows Server 2008 (64bit)
포르투갈어(브라질); 체코어; 덴마크어; 네델란드어; 영어; 핀란드어; 프랑스어; 독일어; 그리스어; 헝가리어; 이탈리아어; 일본어; 한국어; 노르웨이어; 폴란드어; 포르투갈어; 러시아어; 중국어 간체; 스페인어; 스웨덴어; 중국어 번체; 터키어
ICC Profile (PS)
버젼: 1.1.0
크기: 7.1 MB
This is an ICC profile for PS printer driver.
운영체제: Windows 11; Windows 10 (32bit); Windows 10 (64bit); Windows 8.1 (32bit); Windows 8.1 (64bit); Windows 8 (32bit); Windows 8 (64bit); Windows 7 (32bit); Windows 7 (64bit); Windows Vista (32bit); Windows Vista (64bit); Windows Server 2022; Windows Server 2019; Windows Server 2012 R2; Windows Server 2012; Windows Server 2008 R2; Windows Server 2008 (32bit); Windows Server 2008 (64bit)
포르투갈어(브라질); 체코어; 덴마크어; 네델란드어; 영어; 핀란드어; 프랑스어; 독일어; 그리스어; 헝가리어; 이탈리아어; 일본어; 한국어; 노르웨이어; 폴란드어; 포르투갈어; 러시아어; 중국어 간체; 스페인어; 스웨덴어; 중국어 번체; 터키어
LPR Utility
버젼: 5.3.0
크기: 10.3 MB
This is enhanced software for printing to TCP/IP network devices. It has several advantages over using a standard TCP/IP printing port such as device discovery, remote monitoring of print jobs and monitoring of device status.
운영체제: Windows 11; Windows 10 (32bit); Windows 10 (64bit); Windows 8.1 (32bit); Windows 8.1 (64bit); Windows 8 (32bit); Windows 8 (64bit); Windows 7 (32bit); Windows 7 (64bit); Windows Server 2022; Windows Server 2019; Windows Server 2016; Windows Server 2012 R2; Windows Server 2012; Windows Server 2008 R2; Windows Server 2008 (32bit); Windows Server 2008 (64bit)
영어; 프랑스어; 독일어; 이탈리아어; 일본어; 한국어; 포르투갈어; 중국어 간체; 스페인어; 중국어 번체
Mobile Print
버젼: 1.6.2
The Mobile Print application by OKI will print PDF's(*1), photos and web pages from your device to OKI printers and multi-function devices (MFPs). Print to OKI pritners and MFPs via your wireless or wired LAN.
운영체제: iOS
포르투갈어(브라질); 영어; 프랑스어; 독일어; 이탈리아어; 일본어; 한국어; 중국어 간체; 스페인어; 중국어 번체
Network Card Setup
버젼: 3.3.0
크기: 1.7 MB
This utility allows you to setup the network setting of device.
운영체제: macOS 15; macOS 14; macOS 13; macOS 12; macOS 11; macOS 10.15; macOS 10.14; macOS 10.13; macOS 10.12; OS X 10.11; OS X 10.10; OS X 10.9; OS X 10.8
포르투갈어(브라질); 영어; 프랑스어; 독일어; 이탈리아어; 일본어; 포르투갈어; 스페인어
Network Card Setup
버젼: 2.0.2
크기: 664.7 KB
This utility allows you to setup the network setting of device.
운영체제: OS X 10.7; Mac OS X 10.6; Mac OS X 10.5; Mac OS X 10.4; Mac OS X 10.3
포르투갈어(브라질); 영어; 프랑스어; 독일어; 이탈리아어; 일본어; 포르투갈어; 스페인어
Network Extension
버젼: 1.7.0
크기: 11.6 MB
This driver works with OKI color and mono printers/MFPs. You don’t need a unique driver for each model.
운영체제: Windows 11; Windows 10 (32bit); Windows 10 (64bit); Windows 8.1 (32bit); Windows 8.1 (64bit); Windows 8 (32bit); Windows 8 (64bit); Windows 7 (32bit); Windows 7 (64bit); Windows Server 2022; Windows Server 2019; Windows Server 2016; Windows Server 2012 R2; Windows Server 2012; Windows Server 2008 R2; Windows Server 2008 (32bit); Windows Server 2008 (64bit)
포르투갈어(브라질); 체코어; 덴마크어; 네델란드어; 영어; 핀란드어; 프랑스어; 독일어; 그리스어; 헝가리어; 이탈리아어; 일본어; 한국어; 노르웨이어; 폴란드어; 포르투갈어; 러시아어; 중국어 간체; 스페인어; 스웨덴어; 중국어 번체; 터키어
PDF Print Direct
버젼: 4.5.2
크기: 8.3 MB
This utility allows a PDF file to be printed without it needing to be opened in an application.
운영체제: Windows 11; Windows 10 (32bit); Windows 10 (64bit); Windows 8.1 (32bit); Windows 8.1 (64bit); Windows 8 (32bit); Windows 8 (64bit); Windows 7 (32bit); Windows 7 (64bit); Windows Vista (32bit); Windows Vista (64bit); Windows Server 2022; Windows Server 2019; Windows Server 2016; Windows Server 2012 R2; Windows Server 2012; Windows Server 2008 R2; Windows Server 2008 (32bit); Windows Server 2008 (64bit)
영어; 일본어
PS Gamma Adjuster
버젼: 1.4.0
크기: 8.9 MB
This software allows adjustment of each of the primary colors (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black) that a PostScript® printer uses.
Gamma curve adjustments can influence brightness, contrast, and color balance and can also be used to compensate for color shifts that appear due to environment conditions (lighting) and paper whiteness.
운영체제: Windows 11; Windows 10 (32bit); Windows 10 (64bit); Windows 8.1 (32bit); Windows 8.1 (64bit); Windows 8 (32bit); Windows 8 (64bit); Windows 7 (32bit); Windows 7 (64bit); Windows Server 2022; Windows Server 2019; Windows Server 2016; Windows Server 2012 R2; Windows Server 2012; Windows Server 2008 R2; Windows Server 2008 (32bit); Windows Server 2008 (64bit)
영어; 프랑스어; 독일어; 이탈리아어; 일본어; 한국어; 포르투갈어; 중국어 간체; 스페인어; 중국어 번체
PS Gamma Adjuster
버젼: 3.2.0
크기: 833.2 KB
This software allows adjustment of each of the primary colors (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black) that a PostScript® printer uses.
Gamma curve adjustments can influence brightness, contrast, and color balance and can also be used to compensate for color shifts that appear due to environment conditions (lighting) and paper whiteness.
운영체제: macOS 15; macOS 14; macOS 13; macOS 12; macOS 11; macOS 10.15; macOS 10.14; macOS 10.13; macOS 10.12; OS X 10.11; OS X 10.10
포르투갈어(브라질); 영어; 프랑스어; 독일어; 이탈리아어; 일본어; 한국어; 포르투갈어; 중국어 간체; 스페인어
PS Gamma Adjuster
버젼: 2.2.0
크기: 503.4 KB
This software allows adjustment of each of the primary colors (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black) that a PostScript® printer uses.
Gamma curve adjustments can influence brightness, contrast, and color balance and can also be used to compensate for color shifts that appear due to environment conditions (lighting) and paper whiteness.
운영체제: OS X 10.9; OS X 10.8; OS X 10.7; Mac OS X 10.6; Mac OS X 10.5; Mac OS X 10.4; Mac OS X 10.3
포르투갈어(브라질); 영어; 프랑스어; 독일어; 이탈리아어; 일본어; 한국어; 포르투갈어; 중국어 간체; 스페인어
Print Job Accounting Client
버젼: 1.5.0
크기: 12.9 MB
This utility is a client tool installed on the client PC to control printing. It is necessary to set-up a device in order to restrict printing by specific user from Print Job Accounting, Print Job Accounting Enterprise, Configuration Tool or an embedded web page from the device. Print Job Accounting or Print Job Accounting Enterprise track printing history and jobs which enables the reporting of the printer being misused or the printing of unpermitted documents.
운영체제: Windows 11; Windows 10 (32bit); Windows 10 (64bit); Windows 8.1 (32bit); Windows 8.1 (64bit); Windows 8 (32bit); Windows 8 (64bit); Windows 7 (32bit); Windows 7 (64bit); Windows Server 2022; Windows Server 2019; Windows Server 2016; Windows Server 2012 R2; Windows Server 2012; Windows Server 2008 R2; Windows Server 2008 (32bit); Windows Server 2008 (64bit)
포르투갈어(브라질); 카탈로니아어; 체코어; 덴마크어; 네델란드어; 영어; 핀란드어; 프랑스어; 독일어; 그리스어; 헝가리어; 이탈리아어; 일본어; 한국어; 노르웨이어; 폴란드어; 포르투갈어; 러시아어; 중국어 간체; 슬로베니아어; 스페인어; 스웨덴어; 중국어 번체; 터키어
Print Job Accounting Client
버젼: 3.1.0
크기: 588.5 KB
This utility is a client tool installed on the client PC to control printing. It is necessary to set-up a device in order to restrict printing by specific user from Print Job Accounting, Print Job Accounting Enterprise, Configuration Tool or an embedded web page from the device. Print Job Accounting or Print Job Accounting Enterprise track printing history and jobs which enables the reporting of the printer being misused or the printing of unpermitted documents.
운영체제: macOS 15; macOS 14; macOS 13; macOS 12; macOS 11; macOS 10.15; macOS 10.14; macOS 10.13; macOS 10.12; OS X 10.11; OS X 10.10
영어; 일본어
Print Job Accounting Client
버젼: 2.0.5
크기: 311.6 KB
This utility is a client tool installed on the client PC to control printing. It is necessary to set-up a device in order to restrict printing by specific user from Print Job Accounting, Print Job Accounting Enterprise, Configuration Tool or an embedded web page from the device. Print Job Accounting or Print Job Accounting Enterprise track printing history and jobs which enables the reporting of the printer being misused or the printing of unpermitted documents.
운영체제: OS X 10.9; OS X 10.8; OS X 10.7; Mac OS X 10.6; Mac OS X 10.5; Mac OS X 10.4; Mac OS X 10.3
영어; 일본어
Print Plugin
버젼: 1.2.2
크기: 4.5 MB
OKI Print Plugin allows you to print web pages and photos from your Android device to OKI LED printers or MFPs on your Wifi network.
운영체제: Android
포르투갈어(브라질); 영어; 프랑스어; 독일어; 이탈리아어; 일본어; 한국어; 중국어 간체; 스페인어; 중국어 번체
버젼: 4.0.6043.1
크기: 14.0 MB
This utility is a web based application for managing the devices connected to the TCP/IP network.
운영체제: Windows 11; Windows 10 (32bit); Windows 10 (64bit); Windows 8.1 (32bit); Windows 8.1 (64bit); Windows 8 (32bit); Windows 8 (64bit); Windows 7 (32bit); Windows 7 (64bit); Windows Vista (32bit); Windows Vista (64bit); Windows Server 2022; Windows Server 2019; Windows Server 2016; Windows Server 2012 R2; Windows Server 2012; Windows Server 2008 R2; Windows Server 2008 (32bit); Windows Server 2008 (64bit)
영어; 프랑스어; 독일어; 이탈리아어; 폴란드어; 포르투갈어; 스페인어
PrintSuperVision Enterprise Edition
버젼: 4.0.6044.1
크기: 15.7 MB
This utility is a web based application for managing the devices connected to the TCP/IP network.
운영체제: Windows 11; Windows 10 (32bit); Windows 10 (64bit); Windows 8.1 (32bit); Windows 8.1 (64bit); Windows 8 (32bit); Windows 8 (64bit); Windows 7 (32bit); Windows 7 (64bit); Windows Vista (32bit); Windows Vista (64bit); Windows Server 2022; Windows Server 2019; Windows Server 2016; Windows Server 2012 R2; Windows Server 2012; Windows Server 2008 R2; Windows Server 2008 (32bit); Windows Server 2008 (64bit)
영어; 프랑스어; 독일어; 이탈리아어; 폴란드어; 포르투갈어; 스페인어
Profile Assistant
버젼: 4.3.0
크기: 1.5 MB
This software allows user to register color profile to a device.
The purpose of registered ICC profile is color matching between monitor and device, and color simulation of other device.
운영체제: macOS 15; macOS 14; macOS 13; macOS 12; macOS 11; macOS 10.15; macOS 10.14; macOS 10.13; macOS 10.12; OS X 10.11; OS X 10.10; OS X 10.9; OS X 10.8
영어; 프랑스어; 독일어; 이탈리아어; 일본어; 한국어; 중국어 간체; 스페인어
Profile Assistant
버젼: 3.0.5
크기: 750.0 KB
This software allows user to register color profile to a device.
The purpose of registered ICC profile is color matching between monitor and device, and color simulation of other device.
운영체제: OS X 10.7; Mac OS X 10.6; Mac OS X 10.5; Mac OS X 10.4; Mac OS X 10.3
영어; 독일어; 이탈리아어; 일본어; 한국어; 중국어 간체; 스페인어
Web Driver Installer
버젼: 1.5.11
크기: 19.9 MB
This software is a web-based application which enables the following tasks:
- Discovers which printers are connected to the TCP/IP network
- List the discovered printers on a web page
- Send an email to users with URL link to the driver installer
운영체제: Windows 11; Windows 10 (32bit); Windows 10 (64bit); Windows 8.1 (32bit); Windows 8.1 (64bit); Windows 8 (32bit); Windows 8 (64bit); Windows 7 (32bit); Windows 7 (64bit); Windows Vista (32bit); Windows Vista (64bit); Windows Server 2022; Windows Server 2019; Windows Server 2016; Windows Server 2012 R2; Windows Server 2012; Windows Server 2008 R2; Windows Server 2008 (32bit); Windows Server 2008 (64bit)
영어; 일본어
smart PrintSuperVision
버젼: 1.4.1
크기: 30.1 MB
smart PrintSuperVision is an application that manages the devices connected to the network. By registering the device to smart PrintSuperVision, the device’s usage can be tracked and limits put on its operation.
When acquiring job logs from devices in version 1.4.1 or later, if you change the device administrator password, you must change the smart PrintSuperVision device administrator password.
Please be sure to do this as it will not work properly, such as not being able to obtain job logs.
운영체제: Windows 11; Windows 10 (32bit); Windows 10 (64bit); Windows 8.1 (32bit); Windows 8.1 (64bit); Windows 8 (32bit); Windows 8 (64bit); Windows 7 (32bit); Windows 7 (64bit); Windows Server 2022; Windows Server 2019; Windows Server 2016; Windows Server 2012 R2; Windows Server 2012; Windows Server 2008 R2; Windows Server 2008 (32bit); Windows Server 2008 (64bit)
포르투갈어(브라질); 영어; 프랑스어; 독일어; 이탈리아어; 일본어; 한국어; 폴란드어; 스페인어
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