Industry Applications


All-in-one software that lets you do more - in less time
SENDYS Explorer is a multifleet software, exclusive to OKI, with a proven track record, including over 6,000 installations helping 30,000 users from various industries become more productive, efficient and profitable.
SENDYS Explorer streamlines business processes by digitising, sharing and organising documents, whilst also saving you time and money.
Mobile Printing

OKI printers are compatible with a number of device agnostic applications available, so you can download an application of your choice that enables you to print to almost any device simply through a single mobile printing application.
Print Plugin

The OKI Print Plug-in app enables your OKI printer to print via an Android™ device. Simply connect to wifi and click the print button in the menu of each application on your Android ™ device.
Driver Installer Generator

IT administrators can utilise The Drive Install Generator to easily create a printer driver installer and deploy it to multiple PC’s across a network. To find out more, please click here.
NFC Setup Tool

The NFC Setup Tool allows users to setup the printer settings without turning on the printer. The tool can setup multiple devices which significantly reduces the required setup duration. To find out more, please click on the here.

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