Visit OKI’s Media Profiles database and access over 14,000 media profiles to help you set-up your ColorPainter printer with the correct media settings and colour management for different media across a range of media suppliers applications.
The database has an easy to use search function to help you navigate to the most suitable profile to meet your needs
The profiles have been developed by 3rd party media providers who are qualified to get the most from their media and OKI’s ColorPainter devices for different applications and the finishing you require eg vivid colours or a more natural output.
Media profiles are also available for different RIP vendors such as ONYX and Caldera amongst others.
To get started simply go to the site:, and follow the instructions to create an account.
Once registered you will be able manage your activity via a dedicated account:
- Access and manage your download queue for your selected media profiles
- View a history of media profile downloads for quick access should you need to download again
- Receive dedicated new technology applications and marketing information about your ColorPainter device
Access this free resource now to generate the best quality output from your ColorPainter printer!