Turning business challenges into opportunities in the face of adversity

Reacting quickly to unexpected challenges is essential in today’s fast-changing business environment. Current events have highlighted this point, but the truth is, being ready to adapt to sudden changes has always been critical to survival. Businesses that can quickly and effectively adjust in the face of adversity can do more than just survive – they can thrive by turning those challenges into opportunities.  
There are plenty of real-world examples of businesses that have turned unexpected challenges into opportunities. Netflix began as a DVD subscription service, but even with fast delivery times, it recognised that it was failing to meet its customers’ demands for instant gratification. So, the company used the opportunity to pioneer the online streaming model which has led to significant growth and worldwide recognition as one of the most highly regarded entertainment brands1
We can also look to small businesses that have turned challenges into opportunities for further inspiration. After being forced to temporarily close during the Covid-19 pandemic, restaurant and wine shop Top Cuvée recognised a way to remain operational and prove its value to customers struggling to get what they needed during lockdown by launching an online store Shop Cuvée. Customers can order food, drink and essentials from the online store for home delivery2.  
It’s the ingenuity demonstrated by the likes of global brands like Netflix and small businesses like Top Cuvée that show us why acting quickly in the face of adversity is so important to survival, and how being able to quickly pivot to a new model can create profitable opportunities from a potentially disastrous scenario.  

Preparing for an unknown future

Research from McKinsey states that business environments are becoming increasingly complex and volatile, with two-thirds of businesses saying their sectors are characterised by rapid change3. There are many potential challenges to consider and this goes beyond the obvious ones 2020 has brought. However, 2020 has highlighted just how important it is to prepare for the unexpected. 
Print has the power to help organisations adapt quickly and effectively in a rapidly changing world and prepare for the unexpected challenges the future might bring. OKI Europe has been helping businesses and organisations to change and prepare for the unknown as the world around us continues to evolve at a rate that can often feel impossible to keep up with. 
Throughout the pandemic, OKI Europe has empowered over 700 businesses and organisations across a number of sectors including retail, hospitality, education, government, transportation and beyond.  From providing social distancing signage to keep shoppers, healthcare workers, commuters and students safe to ensuring food reached vulnerable families quickly with our in-house label and packaging printing solutions. Furthermore, with new laws introduced in many countries on the mandatory wearing of face masks, OKI’s transfer media and white toner printing solutions provided the opportunity to customise face masks and safety clothing quickly and cost effectively on-demand to help encourage people to wear them.
Having the right solution and tools in place ensures businesses and organisations have the flexibility to quickly respond to changing operational guidelines and regulations, market and social trends as well as consumer demand. 
OKI’s Solutions enables businesses to effortlessly design, tailor and produce professional quality customer communications in-house, on-demand. From fully personalised marketing collateral, signage, labels, packaging and beyond. Organisations can operate more sustainably, drive customer loyalty and repeat purchases, reduce costs and eliminate the lead times associated with third party suppliers. In turn, this allows them to adapt to challenges quickly and seamlessly, so businesses remain operational while keeping customers educated and informed, and delivering a personalised experience to help guide purchasing decisions and drive loyalty.
Please note, for information on specific media that should be used with OKI printers for the applications specified on this page, please contact your local certified dealer or contact us.

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