The Arnewood School chooses OKI for reliability and versatility

The Arnewood School, in New Milton, near the New Forest, Hampshire, is a popular 11-19 mixed academy of about 1200 students that prides itself on its caring ethos and high level of academic achievement. Buying and maintaining a printer fleet for a large, busy school is no easy task. Do you choose a selection of printers from several different suppliers? Or do you decide to standardise and buy from one vendor? This was the challenge facing Tracey King, Financial Co-ordinator when the Arnewood School became a technical academy. She ordered one OKI printer as a test case and this worked well – which pleased the school’s IT Manager as it was easy to connect to the network and was simple to operate. Since then the school has been replacing its old printers with new OKI models on an ongoing basis. Because the devices are networked, students can send their work to the nearest printer, regardless of where they are.
“One of the big features of OKI printers is their flexible media handling. This really comes into its own in the design and technology department where students print on all types of materials for their graphics projects,” Tracey King, financial co-ordinator, The Arnewood School.
Download the full case study to find out how The Arnewood School upgraded its printer hardware and applied print cost allocation for increased financial visibility.