Industry Solutions

OKI solutions for the Education sector

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Today’s schools and universities are under pressure to meet tough standards while facing budget constraints. 

At the same time, teachers and students want to embrace new technology while studies show that the use of colour increases learning and participation. 

As device flexibility and 24/7 connectivity becomes part of daily life, cost-effective digital printing, document management and connectivity have an important role to play in learning and the creation of educational materials.

Key challenges

  • Detailed student applications and regular testing are important processes but can be time-consuming and costly
  • Education professionals must continually monitor and account for spending. Flexible billing systems need to be connected to print, copy and scan at a student account level
  • There is a growing expectation that schools and universities should use the latest innovative technology, including next-generation cloud and mobile solutions while students and teachers alike expect to be able to use their own devices on-site
  • Printers and printing tend to get overlooked when schools think about carbon emission reductions meaning opportunities to make power consumption cuts and save money are missed

How OKI can help improve your business

Effectively print, grade, assess and manage documents for enrolment and evaluation

Regular tests focus learning and evaluate students’ knowledge but are often time-consuming and can require costly pre-printed forms.

Easy to configure and ideal for admissions processes, evaluation and the enrolment of new students, education grading software for MFPs makes it easy to print, scan and individually grade tests, saving time and cost as well as create a more detailed evaluation of student performance.  

Keep control of departmental spending

With educational budgets tight, staff need to monitor and account for spending at a departmental level. 

This can mean restricting user rights and implementing volume restrictions via an output management system. In universities, a batch system limits students’ print volumes by available credit. 

Smart MFP panels also serve as an interface to review print queues and monitor user quotas, card readers can act as authentication devices while printers have the option of QR code labels that are read via smartphones.

Connect performance with cutting-edge technology

The BYOD (bring-your-own-device) trend is seeing students in schools and universities using their own laptops, tablets and smartphones to access documents and information, reducing IT costs and increasing user engagement. 

Google Cloud Print and AirPrint-ready OKI devices make it possible to print on the move.


The ability to store documents in a cloud repository by the teacher or professor and print on-demand by the students at smart MFPs can also be more cost-effective than printing multiple copies, reducing waste and delays. 

Keep costs down and make printing more sustainable with eco-initiatives

Many schools and colleges could make savings by adopting a more eco-friendly approach to printing. 

Energy-efficient applications contained in OKI devices include ‘Deep Sleep’ mode to cut power consumption to the minimum and ‘Auto-Power Off' which automatically powers the device down after extended non-usage. 

Default mono and duplex printing and switching to managed document solutions can also help to reduce running costs.

Your benefits at a glance

  • Make test grading and admissions more efficient, save on printing and external pre-printed form costs and get more visibility and understanding of student performance
  • Take control of print costs, monitor and account for spending at a departmental level
  • Cloud-based storage and on-demand mobile printing via OKI devices helps deliver cost-effective document management and enables students to use their own technology devices
  • Combining managed document solutions with environmentally-friendly print applications supports energy reduction and cost-efficient printing   

Request Consultation

If you need any more information or you want to book an appointment with one of our experts, please don't hesitate to contact us.

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