
How to identify print quality problems on your colour printer/MFP

This article describes how to use the OKI CMYK Downloader utility, which prints Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black test pages on the printer/MFP to help diagnose the cause of print quality problems.


  • OKICMYKDownloader program
  • PC running Windows XP or later
  • OKI colour printer or MFP
The following window will appear. Click Unzip and the files will be extracted to a folder called “C:\Oki CMYK test page downloader utility”.

2) Running the Program

On your computer go to 'C:\Oki CMYK test page downloader utility' and double click the OkiCMYKDownloader program (as shown circled in red in the screen shot below)
When the following appears, if your printer is connected via a USB cable, just click 'Connect'. If it is on your network, select 'TCP/IP (Discovery)' and click 'Connect':
When the following appears, simply click 'OK'.
When the following appears, under 'Test File', use the radio buttons to select how many pages you wish to be printed. 'All' will print Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black pages, whereas specifying C will only print a single Cyan page, M will only print a single Magenta page and so on for the other two options.
Then single click to select your printer from the list provided and click 'Download'.
The utility will then send the requested test file to print on your machine.

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