Industry Applications

Managed Print And Document Solutions

Uncover your hidden costs with Smart Managed Document Solutions

Save time and money with OKI by optimising your print and document workflow with a tailored service to meet the needs of any type or size of business or organisation. 

With print and document related processes, there are often questions that go unanswered. For example, are you aware of the amount of avoidable printing that occurs in your organisation every day resulting in unnecessary costs? Or how much time is spent by you or your staff managing and maintaining your printer fleet when you could be focusing on your business?


These unanswered questions can result in costs that are often hidden and unaccounted for within the business.


Smart Managed Document Solutions from OKI offers a portfolio of services underpinned by software, technologies and tools to tackle these unanswered questions and offer a solution to help reveal significant savings for your business both in time and money.

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Through a process of consultation and analysis we will identify your specific business needs and recommend a flexible solution to optimise your print and document output. This will have full visibility and the opportunity to reduce costs, whilst delivering workflow efficiencies, saving you time and your business money.

How Managed Print And Document Solutions work? >

* US Environmental Energies National Laboratory’s Technologies Division, Smarter print management - Controlling costs and environmental impacts in the United Kingdom, OKI, Jan 2009 ¹ ALL Associates Group - Company size between 500 and 5,000 employees across all industry types ² IDC, An easy and often missed opportunity for CIOs - MPS, April 2012 ³ IDC, Bridging the information worker productivity gap in Western Europe: New challenges and opportunities for IT, Sept 2012

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