Preparing shoppers for a new normality post COVID-19
"Critical retailers have had to adapt to new ways of operating during the COVID-19 pandemic. The return to a new type of ‘business as usual’ is likely to be a slow, phased process. As government directives are gradually relaxed, critical and non-critical retailers will require the flexibility to quickly adapt, implement and communicate ongoing safety measures" says Javier Lopez, General Manager, Vertical Solutions, OKI Europe Ltd.
It’s been a challenging few weeks for retailers, with the majority forced to either close or completely rethink their operations. As the COVID-19 infection rate begins to flatten out across Europe, governments will start to incrementally lift lockdown measures. However, it is highly unlikely that life will return to the normality we all knew before current restrictions came into effect.
Following the economic disruption posed by the pandemic, governments and businesses will be keen to get back to business as usual. Yet retailers should expect specific government-issued guidelines that they must adhere to in order to help avoid a further surge in COVID-19 cases spreading and potentially leading to a second lockdown. A phased approach of this kind could include staff and customers wearing face masks, as well as managing footfall and adhering to social distancing measures inside stores.