Awards and Reviews

OKI Europe’s MC700 Series Receive IT w Administracji “Editor's Recommendation” award


Colour Digital LED Multifunction function Printers Delivering Business-Critical Features and Functions for Medium to Large Workgroups

Egham, 19th August 2013

OKI Europe Ltd announced the receipt of the IT w Administracji “Editor's Recommendation” award for the MC700 Series of colour digital LED multifunction function printers.
“IT w Administracji“, a prestigious magazine for the public sector IT specialists and managers, awarded the title of “Editor's Recommendation 08/2013“ to the MC700 series. The editor tested the MC760 model and rated it 9/10. The product was recommended for public sector.

The MC700 was awarded “Editor's Recommendation” and was recognised for the fast print speeds of 28 ppm print speed and 7 seconds to first print. What’s more, the editor valued the advanced LED technology that guarantees less faults and downtime and lower price. The editor underlined the qualities of the big LCD screen combined with standard operator panel that function well in everyday work.

Among the model’s attributes, great print quality was highlighted: “The print quality is very good. Both text and graphics, including photos, are clear and sharp.” The editor noticed remarkable scan speed, at 40 ppm, efficient processor, external USB port, 2 GB RAM and 160GB High Performance Secure HDD. The experts listed additional functionalities, such as sorter and stapler that help to reduce the office workload.

“ The OKI Multifunction Products MC700 are high-end and very functional products. The large LCD touch screen, combined with standard operator panel, function well in everyday work. Among the qualities of the product including outstanding print quality, fast scanning and easy handling. Efficient processor, 2 GB RAM and 160GB High Performance HDD are additional assets” – the author of the test stated.

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