Privacy Policy (Australia)

1. Introduction

OKI Data Australia Pty Ltd ACN 140 212 335 (OKI) recognises the importance of your privacy and that you have rights under Australian law in relation to the manner in which your personal information is collected, used, managed and disclosed.  OKI is committed to compliance with the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) contained in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Privacy Act) and to dealing with your personal information in an open and transparent way. OKI recognises that it is bound by Division 3 of Part IIIA of the Privacy Act, which governs the handling of credit information, credit eligibility information and other credit related information by credit providers where it receives personal information from you in its capacity as credit providers.
The Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and the Australian Privacy Principles, govern the way in which OKI collects, uses, disclose, stores, secures and disposes of your personal information (defined below). We also comply with the Spam Act 2003 (Cth) which imposes restrictions on sending emails and other types of commercial electronic messages.
In this Privacy Policy, the use of “we”, “our” or “us” means OKI and all its related entities unless specified otherwise, and “you” or “your” means you the user.

2. How to Contact us

Your privacy is very important to us.  For that reason please read the following details carefully and get in contact with us if you have any questions.  You can contact our Privacy Officer on:
Telephone: 02 8071 0000

3. Scope of the policy

The Privacy Policy explains how we collect, hold, maintain and manage your personal information (including credit and credit eligibility information) which we collect and hold and the purposes for which that information is collected, held, used and disclosed by us.
By using the OKI website and accepting the Terms of Use (which can be found here) you also agree to this Privacy Policy.  If you do not agree with this Privacy Policy you must not use the OKI website.
This policy applies to your use of the website, in addition to the Terms of Use assessible at, and to the services offered by us. It also applies to information collected from third parties, including the information which we receive through the national credit reporting system.

4. What is personal information?

For the purpose of this Privacy Policy, Personal information is information or an opinion that identifies and individual, whether that information is true or not or recorded in material form or not.

5. What kind of information do we collect and hold?

Examples of information we may collect and hold are:
Your name and contact details, such as your mailing address, email address, telephone number and fax number;
 - Your gender, birth date and occupation;
 - Your company name (where applicable) and contact details such as your company mailing and delivery address, email address, telephone number, fax number and the number of employees in your company;
 - The date and time when you access our website;
 - The name of the domain from which you access the internet; and
 - The internet address of the website from which you linked to our website.
Wherever lawful and practicable, we will give you an option of not identifying yourself or using a pseudonym to enter into transaction with us. However, in these circumstances we may not be able to provide certain services or products to you.
Where you apply to receive credit from us or offer to act as guarantor in relation to the provision of credit by us to another individual, we may collect your information from a credit reporting body or credit providers or through your use of our services and products for the purposes of assessing your application such as:
 - Credit information, i.e. personal information about you which relates to your credit history and includes, but is not limited to, your identification information, information about your credit liability, repayment history and solvency, any defaults which you may have committed and any court proceedings in which you have been involved; and
 - Credit-related personal information, i.e. all types of credit related personal information covered under the Privacy Act, including credit information, credit eligibility information, CP derived information and CRB derived information. Including:
     -  that OKI provides you with credit;
     -  the type of credit which you hold;
     -  the amount of credit provided by OKI;
     -  the terms and conditions of your credit;
     -  when your credit account is opened and closed;
     -  information about a serious infringement (e.g. fraudulent behaviour or evasion of your repayment obligations);
     -  default information

6. Why do we collect and hold your personal information?

We collect your personal information for the primary purpose of providing our services to you, providing information to our clients and marketing. We may also use your personal information for secondary purposes closely related to the primary purpose, in circumstances where you would reasonably expect such use or disclosure. 
When we collect personal information we will, where appropriate and where possible, explain to you why we are collecting the information and how we plan to use it.
We collect and hold your personal information for the following purposes:
 - Responding to customer queries;
 - Filling customer orders and fulfilling obligations under sale and purchase contracts;
 - Providing services related to our business, such as warranty and after sales services;
 - Maintaining customer records;
 - Providing information about services, products and special promotions or competitions;
 - Obtaining opinions about particular products and services;
 - Recording statistical data for marketing and analysis purposes;
 - Assessing your suitability for credit or to act as guarantor in relation to the provision of credit.
Where your personal information is used for general (including direct) marketing purposes, we may contact you with information about our products and services which we think may be of interest to you, and for adapting out product and services to your requirements, market research and planning purposes. You may withhold your permission from that use by unsubscribing from our mailing list or in writing. We may use your personal information in our computerised customer management system.
We collect your credit-related personal information to produce an analysis of your credit eligibility, including your capacity to meet your repayment obligations, so as to assist us in considering your application for credit or your offer to act as guarantor, and to assist you in meeting your credit obligations.

7. How do we collect your personal information?

We generally collect personal information directly from you, including when you, through our website or other means:
 - Contact us with an enquiry or to request customer support;
 - Place a product order or request a service from us;
 - Submit an application for credit or offer to act as guarantor for an individual or entity seeking credit from us;
 - Contact us through customer service lines, including social media channels;
 - Submit competition or prize application forms;
 - Respond to our surveys.
We do not automatically collect or capture your personal information other than via the use of “cookies”, which are software messages which allow a web server to transmit information to users’ web browsers to be stored and accessed each time a user accesses the server, and facilitates a user’s passage through our website. We may use cookies to gather statistics about the use of and traffic on our website. If must adjust the settings on your web browser if you do not wish for your web browser to receive cookies.
In some cases, we may receive personal information from third parties. In such a case, we will take reasonable steps to ensure that you are made aware of the information provided to us by the third party.
We may periodically collect your credit-related personal information from other credit reporting bodies or credit providers with your consent or as permitted by the Privacy Act. To do so, we will supply information about you that identifies you and information about your application, including the type and amount of credit which you are seek or which you propose to guarantee. We also collect this information through your use of our services and products.

8. When do we use and disclose your personal information?

We do not use your personal information or disclose it to a third party unless:
 - It is reasonably necessary for one of the purposes described above;
 - Having regard to the nature of the information or the circumstances of collection we believe you would expect us to use the information or make the disclosure;
 - Required or authorised by law or court or tribunal;
 - It is necessary to obtain third party services and/or products, for example to provide to a third-party delivery service company for the purpose of fulfilling your order, or to a data analysis company to provide us information processing services. We limit the use and disclosure of any personal information provided to us to them to the specific purpose for which we supplied it;
 - It is for one of the purposes expressly permitted under the Privacy Act;
 - You have provided your consent; or
 - Your personal information is transmitted to our parent company in Japan, another subsidiary or authorised agent.
Any information you provide that is not identifiable to you or any other person or entity will not be considered personal information or confidential, whether or not it is described as such. It is a Term of Use that we may disclose such information freely and use it in any way we think fit (our Terms of Use are accessible at
This website may contain links to third party websites from time to time. OKI is not responsible for the content of those websites or for the privacy practices of third parties. OKI recommends reviewing the privacy policy of each website you visit.
We use your credit information to analyse your credit eligibility, as explained above. We will disclose your credit-related personal information:
 - To credit reporting bodies in circumstances and for purposes permitted under the Privacy Act, including to illion Australia (479 St Kilda Rd, Melbourne VIC 3004);
 - To other credit providers, its agents, individuals who have offered to guarantee or provide security for your credit or who have done so, mortgage insurers or debt collectors as permitted under the Privacy Act or with your consent;
 - To overseas recipients, including its parent company located in Japan, another related body corporate, debt collector or credit manager.
We will not send your personal information outside Australia unless the recipient complies with this policy and all relevant privacy laws for the relevant jurisdiction.

9. Promotional communications

If we indicate that your personal information may be used for general (including direct) marketing purposes, we will give you the opportunity to withhold your permission for that use and respect your wishes.
If you indicate that you have no objection, your information may be made available to our computerised customer management system. It will then be used to contact you with information about products and services we think may be of interest to you, as well as for adapting our products and services to your requirements, for market research and planning purposes, and for any other purposes for which it was expressly or obviously collected. If you prefer not to receive promotional information from us, please let us know by clicking on the “unsubscribe link” at the bottom of any of our communication.

10. Anonymity

Wherever it is lawful and practicable, OKI will give you the option of not identifying yourself or of using a pseudonym when entering into transactions with OKI or dealing with OKI in relation to a particular matter. However, OKI may be unable to provide certain services or products to you unless you provide us with your correct details and disclose your identity.

11. Security

OKI will take reasonable steps to protect any personal information (including credit related personal information) which it holds. OKI may store personal information either physically or electronically in the following ways:

 - On electronic databases; or

 - In a secure location, including lockable storage with access only to authorised personnel.

Personal information that is no longer required will be destroyed or de-identified (where appropriate), unless OKI is required to retain the information under any applicable legislation or a court/tribunal order.

12. Disclosure of personal information to third party recipients

Any personal information we collect about you may be transmitted to OKI’s parent company located in Japan, another OKI subsidiary, or to a collaborator and OKI's behalf, but will never be sent to anybody else without your express consent. It will not be sent outside of Australia unless the recipient agrees with us to protect it and treat it as if the recipient had the same obligations in respect of it as we have in Australia.

13. How do we store and secure your personal information?

Your personal information is stored in a manner that reasonably protects it from misuse and loss and from unauthorized access, modification or disclosure. We also take reasonable precautions to protect your personal information from misuse, loss, unauthorised access, modification or disclosure.
Where practicable we implement measures to require organisations to whom disclosure is made to comply with the Privacy Act. If a third party is given access to personal information we take reasonable steps to ensure that the information is held securely and used only for the purpose of providing the relevant service or activity.
When your personal information is no longer needed for the purpose for which it was obtained, we will take reasonable steps to destroy or permanently de-identify your personal information unless required under law. However, most of the personal information is or will be stored in files which will be kept by us for a minimum of 7 years.

14. How do you access your personal information?

You have the right to access your personal information unless we are permitted by law to withhold that information. Any requests for access to your personal information should be made to us in writing. 
You also have the right to request the correction of any of your personal information which is inaccurate, incomplete or not current. Any request for correction of your personal information should also be made in writing. 
We will endeavour to respond to your request as soon as reasonably possible.
In some circumstances it may be appropriate and lawful for us to deny access, including if:
 - Providing access would have an unreasonable impact on the privacy of another individual;
 - The request is frivolous or vexatious;
 - The information relates to existing or anticipated legal proceedings between you and us and the information would not be accessible by the process of legal discovery in those proceedings;
 - We have reason to suspect that unlawful activity, or misconduct of a serious nature, relating to our functions or activities has been, is being or may be engaged in; and giving access would be likely to prejudice the taking of appropriate action in relation to the matter;
 - Providing access would be unlawful or if denying access is required or authorised under Australian law or a court/tribunal order;
 - Giving access would be likely to prejudice one or more enforcement related activities conducted by, or on behalf of, an enforcement body; or
 - Giving access would reveal evaluative information generated by us in connection with a commercially sensitive decision-making process.
Where we refuse access, we will notify you in writing as to why the request has been refused and how you may complain about the refusal
 - on electronic databases; or
 - in a secure location, including lockable storage with access only to authorised personnel.
Personal information that is no longer required will be destroyed or, where appropriate, be de-identified, unless OKI is required to retain the information under an Australian law or court/tribunal order.

15. Further information and complaints

Please contact us if you would like a copy of our Privacy Policy, would like to seek access to or correct your personal information, opt out of receiving materials we send, complain about a breach of our privacy or you have any query on how your personal information is collected, stored or used, or any other query relating to our handling of your personal information at:
OKI Data Australia Pty Ltd, PO Box 303, North Ryde BC NSW 1670
If you have any complaints about our handling of your personal information, please do so in writing. If you are not satisfied with the outcome of your complaint you may contact us further to advise of your concerns. We will endeavour to respond as soon as practically possible.
If we are unable to reach a satisfactory resolution you may write to the external dispute resolution (EDR) scheme we belong to (if any) or the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner using the form available at this link for further review of your complaint. 
We are not responsible for the content of any third-party websites linked on our website and this policy does not apply to linked websites.

[Revised 11/09/2019]

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