
Where can I find my product name and Serial Number?

Product Name                                

You can find product name on the side of product.
  • Small letter of alphabet at the end of product name may not be described.

In case you can not find exact match with your model name, please select similar model name. Driver and user's manual are common.

e.g. For product name MC873, please select either MC873dn or MC873dnv

Serial Number                                

The serial number is a unique sequence of numbers and/or letters which is used to identify your product.

Your product serial number can be found in one of the following places:

  • On the back of the machine
  • On the left or right -hand side
  • Inside the top cover.
Please refer at FAQ page, enter "serial number" as keyword and select your model name.


In case of your product name MC873, please select MC873dn or MC873dnv.

  • Serial number may find out at manual map instead of label.
  • Option or parts installed with some product may describe its serial number.

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