In May 2017, OKI released Mid-term Business Plan 2019, a three-year plan that ends in fiscal year 2019. "To be a company that can secure stable profitability," we will make reinforcing earning capacity as our top focus and strive to establish a base for achieving sustainable growth and evolution. For that reason, we will bolster our capacity to develop distinctive technologies and products, a source of strength for OKI, as well as reinforce the business know-how we have built up over many years with our customers. By combining these strengths with our partner strategy of making active use of external capabilities concerning co-creation activities that give birth to new businesses as well as business processes, we will succeed in reinforcing earning capacity.
Mid-term Business Plan 2019 targets an operating profit margin of 6% and shareholders' equity ratio of 30% or more. In fiscal year 2019, the plan's final year, it sets as tar- gets net sales of ¥500.0 billion, operating income of ¥30.0 billion, and shareholders' equity of ¥120.0 billion. While making improvement in profitability via earning capacity reinforcement a priority, we aim to improve our financial position and return a steady level of profits to shareholders.
Clarifying what we see as the focus fields for each business, we will carry out business activities.
Through the merger of three business divisions implemented in fiscal year 2016, the ICT business has built a business framework to be an early mover in executing an IoT (Internet of Things)-based growth strategy. We seek to create new businesses that harness the IoT-based digital transformation as drivers of change, while also raising the earnings baseline by securing large-scale renewal demand orders in existing markets using merger synergies from this new framework. Combining our technologies in the three areas of sensing, networks and data processing, we seek to address a wide array of social issues in focus fields such as traffic, construction and infrastructure, disaster prevention, medical, finance and retail, and manufacturing.
The ICT business aims for net sales of ¥205.0 billion and operating income of ¥16.0 billion in fiscal year 2019, drawing on its strengths in "Mono-zukuri" manufacturing, technology assets, and an installed customer base it has built up over 136 years as an OKI Group core business.
At the mechatronics systems business, we expect earnings to lag as we rebuild our businesses in Brazil and China through fiscal year 2017. From fiscal year 2018 onward, plan calls for the subsidiary in Brazil to move into profit and earnings at the China business to stabilize. In emerging markets, especially India and Southeast Asia, we plan to launch strategic products that compete effectively on cost with the aim of expanding our businesses. Along with coordinating and cooperating with our sales and maintenance partners to turn our global business framework into an effective, reliable system, we will proceed with the restructuring of our overseas production sites with the aim of further bolstering our cost competitiveness.
In contrast, we are stepping up our approach to the domestic retail market, improving and expanding our product lineup, with cash handling equipment as our mainstay. Through such initiatives, the mechatronics systems business aims to achieve net sales of ¥120.0 billion and operating income of ¥9.0 billion in fiscal year 2019.
The environment facing the printer market continues to be challenging due to slumping office printing demand and stiffer price competition. We intend to focus on streamlining in the office printing market and shifting to development of niche segments in the industrial printing market to secure stable profitability at the printers business. We aim to secure our market position, leveraging our ability to realize high-quality printing on multiple media ranging from wide format to compact label printing as a source of competitiveness. Attendant with this strategic transformation, we will narrow down our product lineup for offices and restructure our overseas sales companies, production footprint and head office functions in a bid to make our organization lighter and nimbler. Leveraging OKI's strength in LED technology, we will bolster our competitiveness and expand external sales of LED print heads.
Envisioning the business structure securing stable earnings without reliance on large-scale sales, the printers business aims for net sales of ¥105.0 billion and operating income of ¥7.0 billion in fiscal year 2019.
Since its founding, the EMS business has grown steadily as a specialist business that draws on the comprehensive "Mono-zukuri" capabilities OKI has honed over many years. What we see as key market trends to watch are the downtrend in domestic production and the shift to overseas production, so we expect opportunities for customers to use EMS to increase. The EMS business draws on OKI's strength in providing one-stop design and production consignment service and the brand power it has built up in the market to delve deeper in pursuit of customers in the tele communications, industrial applications, measurement instruments and medical sectors. Moreover, we aim to develop the field of trial production of electrical components, an area that is expected to grow over the medium and long terms, even as we ramp up sales in the field of aviation and aerospace.
Combining these efforts with active pursuit of M&A opportunities in keeping with our approach so far, we seek to secure new customers and technologies and expand capacity. On the latter point, we plan to invest ¥5.0 billion over three years to bolster production capacity. We will further strengthen our "Mono-zukuri" capabilities by obtaining more certifications for standards across the Group as a whole and investing in high-density mounting and quality assurance technology while we work to reinforce marketing activities through group collaboration.
We will focus on the domestic high-end market, where we excel, while staying close to our customers so we can understand their needs. The EMS business targets net sales of ¥60.0 billion and operating income of ¥3.5 billion in fiscal year 2019, with the aim of expanding sales to ¥100.0 billion as soon as is practicable.
We have established two core R&D themes to further refine the technologies in which we excel. The first is "smart sensing" technologies where we draw on technologies we own to harness optical, acoustic and image sensing and analyze in-depth information from the field using advance sensing techniques. The other theme is "humane mechatronics" that achieves optimal personal services that are human friendly based on our view of mechatronic terminals as a contact point between people and society. We plan to make active investments of ¥45.0 billion in the three years to fiscal year 2019 into core R&D themes, including the aforementioned two themes. While working jointly with companies with strengths in specific fields based on distinctive technologies, we will actively harness open innovation with the aim of creating new businesses in our focus markets.
As for the human resources important for achieving sustainable growth and evolution, a newly launched project team at OKI is also vigorously forging ahead with work style reform, in addition to advancing previously commenced initiatives to promote the role of women in the workplace, which is starting to yield results. We are improving our system for evaluating employee performance to foster a stronger sense of motivation so employees will through their actions assertively step up to the innovation challenge. As for corporate governance, we will reorganize our management environment into simpler frameworks in an effort to build a system that enables effective decision-making through a combination of proactive and defensive forms of governance.
Drawing on cash flows and working capital generated through improvements to working capital and greater asset efficiency, we intend to selectively allocate more capital to growth and new businesses, directing ¥45.0 billion to ¥55.0 billion to such businesses in the three years to fiscal year 2019.