Corporate Information

Management Corporate Data

Standing Audit & Supervisory Board Member
Masashi Fuse
Date of birth: February 23, 1961

Summary of career

April 1984
Joined the Company
June 1994
Oki America Inc.
April 2015
Head of Accounting & Control Division
June 2015
Outside Director of SAXA Holdings, Inc.
April 2016
Executive Officer, Head of Accounting & Control Division of the Company
April 2018
Senior Executive Officer, Head of Corporate Management Group
April 2019
Head of Legal Affairs & Intellectual Property Division
June 2019
Senior Executive Officer and Member of the Board
April 2020
Senior Vice President and Member of the Board, Head of Corporate Group, Internal Control Administrator
April 2022
Chief Information Officer
December 2022
Head of Manufacturing Reinforcement Division, Corporate Group
April 2023
Associate Director and Member of the Board
June 2023
Standing Audit & Supervisory Board Member (current)

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