Enabling Account Management

  1. Open the Web page of the machine.

    Open the Web Page of This Machine

  2. Log in as the administrator.

    Log In as the Administrator

  3. Click [Account Management].

  4. Click [Set Access Limits] under [STEP1. Set access limits].

  5. Enable [Access Control], and then click [Submit].


    When the access control is enabled, the login screen appears on the touch panel.

  6. Click [Account Management] again.

  7. Enable [Quota Management] in [STEP2. Quota Management Settings] and then click [Submit].


    The quota management means managing amount of usage.

  8. Set each item following the on-screen instructions, and then click [Submit].

    • Limited Format Setting: Set an action when your points are insufficient.

    • Display Time of The "Insufficient Balance" Error: When you do not have enough points to perform the job, the error screen appears on the operator panel. Set the period of time for displaying the error screen.

    • Point Calculation Type: Specify calculation type used for printing. For [Simple], setting is available on the Web page of the machine and for [Standard], setting is not available on the Web page.

    • Toner Saving Calculation Setting: Specify whether to take the toner save setting into account of point calculation.

    • Operations When Balance is Insufficient: Set whether to cancel or continue printing when the remaining points reach 0.