Using the Search Function

You can enter a "word you want to search" or an "error message displayed on the touch panel" as a keyword to search for a specific topic from all the topics in this manual.

  1. Enter the word you want to find in the search box at the top of the screen, and then click [].

    When entering multiplex words, input a space between the words. The topics that include all of the entered keywords are searched for.

    Search results are displayed in a separate screen. The [Search results] tab is displayed in the TOC area.

    Search Options

    Click search options and add options when searching to narrow searching range.


    AND Search is set by default.

  2. Click the title of topic you want to refer to in the [Search result] tab.

    The topic is displayed in the content area on the right.

    For the page number on the bottom of the search results screen

    • 10 search results are displayed on 1 page. To change the page to display other 10 search results, click the page number.

    • If 50 or fewer search results are found, only page numbers are displayed.

    • If 51 or more search results are found, the following icons are displayed before and after the page numbers.

      : Returns to the first page of the search results

      : Proceeds to the last page of the search results

      : Returns to the previous page of the search results

      : Proceeds to the next page of the search results