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This Windows printer driver is a software program for printing documents from Windows applications to the PT390.
Sistema Operativo: Windows 7 (32bit); Windows 7 (64bit); Windows Vista (32bit); Windows Vista (64bit); Windows XP (32bit); Windows XP (64bit); Windows Server 2008 R2; Windows Server 2008 (32bit); Windows Server 2008 (64bit); Windows Server 2003 (32bit); Windows Server 2003 (64bit); Windows Embedded Point of Service; Windows Embedded POSReady 2009
This utility allows you to remove the printer driver.
Sistema Operativo: Windows 7 (32bit); Windows 7 (64bit); Windows Vista (32bit); Windows Vista (64bit); Windows XP (32bit); Windows XP (64bit); Windows 2000; Windows Server 2008 (32bit); Windows Server 2008 (64bit); Windows Server 2003 (32bit); Windows Server 2003 (64bit)