High-quality voice processiong software library eSound

My eSound™Technology that pushes the widespread of high voice quality telephone services

"My eSound™" is a unique technology by OKI that allows voice to be heard in high quality even when the calling party is using a telephone of conventional voice quality. High and low frequencies are expanded based on the voice received through narrowband to realize easy to hear communication.

High voice quality communication even when the calling party is using a conventional telephone

High voice quality communication using broadband was only possible when both the caller and receiving party were using telephones equipped with broadband voice codecs. This means that high voice quality communication is not possible even when using a high voice quality telephone if the other party is using a conventional fixed telephone or a cellular phone.

"My eSound™" is a feature that allows voice to be heard in high quality even when the communication party is using a conventional telephone. Users of terminals equipped with My eSound™ can communicate in quality close to broadband voice and can benefit from the advantages of high voice quality even if the other party is using a fixed telephone or a cellular phone.

How My eSound™ works

My eSound™ is a technology that converts the voice heard by the user to high quality by expanding the high and low frequencies of voice from the voice transmitted between the range of 300Hz and 3.4kHz utilizing the constant characteristics of voice frequencies.

Figure: How My eSound™ works

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