Press Releases

OKI Announces Executive Personnel Changes

TOKYO, April 22, 2021 -- OKI (TOKYO: 6703) today announced that the Board of Directors made its recommendation for executive appointments and retirements at its meeting today, which will be submitted for approval at the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders to be held on June, 2021.

1. Candidate of new director (To be submitted for approval at the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders to be held on June, 2021)

Name Newly appointed title (current title)
Masatoshi Saito Director
(Senior Vice President, Head of Components & Platforms Business Group)

2. Candidate of new Audit & Supervisory Board Member (To be submitted for approval at the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders to be held on June, 2021)

Name Newly appointed title (current title)
Toshiyuki Yokota Standing Audit & Supervisory Board Member (Adviser)
Name Newly appointed title (current title)
Yoshihiro Tsuda Audit & Supervisory Board Member*
  • *Outside Audit & Supervisory Board Member

3. Retiring director (Effective at the day of the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders to be held on June, 2021)

Name (current title)
Hideichi Kawasaki (Director, Chairman of the Board)

4. Retiring Audit & Supervisory Board Member (Effective at the day of the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders to be held on June, 2021)

Name (current title)
Sei Yano (Standing Audit & Supervisory Board Member)

5. Brief biography of candidate of new director

Masatoshi Saito

Date of birth
December 20, 1963 (57 years old)
Business career
April 2021
Head of Components & Platforms Business Group (current)
April 2020
Senior Vice President (current),
Deputy Head of Components & Platforms Business Group
April 2018
Senior Executive Officer, Head of Corporate Planning Group Chief Information Officer
April 2017
Executive Officer
April 2016
Head of Corporate Planning Division , Corporate Planning Group
October 2008
Director of OKI Networks Co., Ltd.
April 2007
President of Security and Mobility company, IP System Company, ICT Group.
October 2002
Head of Strategic Planning Division of IP Solutions Company.
April 1986
Joined Oki Electric Industry Co., Ltd.

6. Brief biography of candidate of new Audit & Supervisory Board Member

Toshiyuki Yokota

Date of birth
April 14, 1960 (61 years old)
Business career
April 2021
Adviser (current)
June 2019
Outside Director of JECC corporation (current)*
April 2018
Executive Officer
April 2017
Associate Director
November 2016
Joined Oki Electric Industry Co., Ltd. (Adviser)
July 2014
President of JETRO New York
July 2013
Director-General for The Small and Medium Enterprise Agency of Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
August 2012
Deputy Director-General for Policy Coordination of Ministry of Economy,
Trade and Industry
July 2010
Deputy Commissioner for Global ICT Strategy Bureau of Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
July 2009
Senior Manager for general affairs of Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corporation.
July 2008
Director for The Small and Medium Enterprise Agency of Ministry of Economy,
Trade and Industry
April 1983
Joined Ministry of International Trade and Industry
  • *Outside Director (Term of office: June 2020 - June 2022) of JECC Corporation is scheduled to resign as of June 2021 at the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of JECC.

Yoshihiro Tsuda

Date of birth
July 25, 1962 (58 years old)
Business career
February 2020
Standing Audit & Supervisory Board Member of Tribeck Inc. (current)
September 2019
Audit & Supervisory Board Member of Oki Data Corporation
August 2019
Representative of Yoshihiro Tsuda Certified accountant office (current)
June 2007
Representative employee of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu LLC
September 2002
Secondee of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, London Office
June 1998
Joined Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu LLC
July 1993
Secondee of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, Detroit Office
March 1988
Registered Certified public accountant
March 1985
Joined Tohmatsu and Aoki LLC (currently Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu LLC)
  • Oki Electric Industry Co., Ltd. is commonly referred to simply as "OKI" and "OKI".
  • Corporate names and product names contained in this document are the trademarks or registered trademarks of the respective companies.
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  • * Information in the press releases is current on the date of the press announcement, but is subject to change without prior notice.

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